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Apartment Hunting in Puerto Vallarta

In today’s Puerto Vallarta vlog we are reacting to the prices of apartments in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. What do you think- are they cheap? Expensive? Somewhere in between?

100% Mexican Coffee (our coffee company!)

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What sites did we use to search for an apartment?
Facebook Marketplace

Today’s video was rather long so we figured we would give you the timestamps of each apartment so you don’t have to hear us ramble! ?
Into/our budget 00:00
Apartmenet #1 (900 USD) 3:40
#2 (155 USD/night) 6:01
#3 ($1,800 USD) 6:38
#4 (23,000 MXN) 8:02
#5 (47,500 MXN) 9:15
#6 (25,000 MXN) 10:54
#7 (57,000 MXN) 14:27
#8 (56,000 MXN) 14:55
#9 (8,000 MXN) 15:39
#10 (11,500 MXN) 16:50
#11 (8,500 MXN) 18:26
#12 (9,000 MXN) 19:50
#13 (9,000 MXN) 21:01
#14 (10,000 MXN) 22:45
#15 (10,500 MXN) 24:01
#16 (8,500 MXN) 25:50
#17 (10,000 MXN) 27:45
#18 29:00
#19 (2,500 USD) 31:17
#20 (17,500 MXN) 32:01

Apartment Hunting in Puerto Vallarta

In today's Puerto Vallarta vlog we are reacting to the prices of apartments in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. What do you think- are they cheap? Expensive? Somewhere in between?

100% Mexican Coffee (our coffee company!)

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What sites did we use to search for an apartment?
Facebook Marketplace

Today's video was rather long so we figured we would give you the timestamps of each apartment so you don't have to hear us ramble! ?
Into/our budget 00:00
Apartmenet #1 (900 USD) 3:40
#2 (155 USD/night) 6:01
#3 ($1,800 USD) 6:38
#4 (23,000 MXN) 8:02
#5 (47,500 MXN) 9:15
#6 (25,000 MXN) 10:54
#7 (57,000 MXN) 14:27
#8 (56,000 MXN) 14:55
#9 (8,000 MXN) 15:39
#10 (11,500 MXN) 16:50
#11 (8,500 MXN) 18:26
#12 (9,000 MXN) 19:50
#13 (9,000 MXN) 21:01
#14 (10,000 MXN) 22:45
#15 (10,500 MXN) 24:01
#16 (8,500 MXN) 25:50
#17 (10,000 MXN) 27:45
#18 29:00
#19 (2,500 USD) 31:17
#20 (17,500 MXN) 32:01