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October 2014… Welcome!

Welcome to our current PVMirror Blog published by Harvest Estudio.  Please remember that our October Articles are indexed below. If you are interested in advertising with us in our Blog, please click here. If you want to read about Puerto Vallata Local News this Week  please visit our Printed Version City Paper Website.

Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: [email protected] Many thanks and God bless you.

 * Exploring The South Column ©:
exploring-homeThe New Face of Tourism – Mexicans are discovering their own Country and all that it has to offer. Any place you visit today you will see Mexican tourists, especially along the costal tourist destinations. A testament to the prosperity of the new and growing middle class in Mexico. The face of tourism is changing and no longer dominated by Americans. Read More by John Van Dyke


The PVMirror City Paper Weekly Edition: 
For Local News, please visit: our Weekly PVMirror City Paper Printed Version. Or if you prefer, please click here to visit This Week Edition. Welcome to Puerto Vallarta!


* Gardening in Paradise:
roots-homeCordyline – Some assert that these striking, vibrant plants are the “King of tropical foliage.” But, regardless whether this be an imperial or pauper plant, there is, definitely – in some botanical quarters – a difference of opinion regarding which family it belongs to. Beyond the above several family names, during my perusal of various tomes of botanical data in confirming information on this plant, I noted that it was also – confusingly – classified in the Lilaceae family by a few! Read More by Tomy Clarkrson


* Viewpoint Column ©:
Strategy and Supply in a Changing Market – This letter was sent to a seller who needed to evaluate the position of his property in the Vallarta market at this period in time. Read More by Harriet Murray

Great News!… now you can list your property for sale on our Real Estate By-Onwer. Affordable and it runs until you sell. Contact us at: [email protected]



  • Publisher: Harvest Estudio Content Authors and Providers
  • Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: [email protected] Many thanks and God bless you.
  • To advertise with us please click here
  • Responsible Journalism

#2014 #Above #advertising #Alegre #Americans #Articles #AUTHORS #Banderas #Banderas Bay #bay #Beyond #Botanical #botanical data #botanical quarters #City #City Paper Website #City Paper Weekly #Class #click #contact #Cordyline #Costa #Costa Alegre #costal tourist destinations #country #current PVMirror Blog #difference #Discovering #Edition #Edition. Welcome #Email #Estate #Estudio Content Authors #Family #family names #Gardening #God #great news #H.R. #Harriet #Harvest Estudio. #Harvest Estudio Content #information #John Van Dyke #King #letter #Lilaceae family #list #local #Local News #many #market #Mexican #Mexican tourists #Mexicans #MEXICO #middle #middle class #more #Murray Great News #names #Needed #New Face #News #October #of... #Paper Printed Version #Paradise #pauper plant #photos #place #plants #Please #prefer #Printed Version #property #Providers #Publisher #Puerto #Puerto Vallarta #Puerto Vallata Local #PVMirror City Paper …………………………………………………………………………… Many thanks #Real #real estate #Real Estate By-Onwer. #remember #Responsible Journalism #Riviera #Riviera Nayarit #sale #Sell #Some #south #South Column #stories #Thanks #time #to... #Today #Tomy Clarkrson #TOURISM #tourist #tourist destinations #tourists #tropical foliage. #Until #Vallarta #Vallarta market #Van Dyke #various tomes #version #Version City Paper #vibrant plants #Viewpoint Column #Visit #website #Week #Weekly #Weekly PVMirror City #Welcome #you.