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Puerto Vallarta – Revive your desire to travel

Time has come to retake the travel plans that remained paused. Puerto Vallarta invites you to revive the charm of Mexican traditions and natural wonders walking along the Malecon splashed with art, absorbing the cultural legacy of its people, submerging in beach paradises amidst tropical jungles and discovering the waterfalls and rivers that are scattered in the Sierra Madre range mountains. Let the hospitality of the Friendliest City in the world take care of the rest. Puerto Vallarta is ready to welcome you.

Revive your desire to travel.

Video Tour Of PUERTO VALLARTA Mexico During Pandemic

Welcome to Puerto Vallarta Mexico!

This video tour of Puerto Vallarta supplements our Tour From Home event we held live (and for free!) on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.

We’re often asked: Is Mexico safe to travel or can you visit Puerto Vallarta? The answer is yes. We relocated to Mexico from the US because we felt it was a safer option. We talk more about traveling to Mexico during the pandemic here:

While the replays of Tours From Home reside inside our Patreon community, we wanted to share this video tour with you.

Unfortunately, the global health crisis has forced us to hunker down for the foreseeable future, but we will not be deterred.

We are traveling vicariously through some of our backlog of video footage and inviting everyone to join us live on our Facebook or YouTube channel every Saturday at 10 a.m. PT, for a while at least. We have upcoming tours to Antigua, Tikal, Athens and more. We hope to see you there.


— M U S I C —

Music for this travel vlog includes:
– Toss The Salt by Sionya
– Wear Me Out by Gamma Skies

Find it on Epidemic Sound:

— L E A R N A L A N G U A G E —

Stop pointing and start using your words when you travel. Get the FREE language learning roadmap:

It is easier than ever before to learn a new language with our five-part learning roadmap that will help you learn any language faster. GET IT FREE:

— T R A V E L —

How we find cheap fares:

Get $40 off your first Airbnb:

We use Google Fi and think it is the best international cell service:

We never leave home without a VPN and Express VPN works – even in China!

We love being in airports thanks to Priority Pass:

— L E T ‘ S C O N N E C T ! —


— A B O U T U S —

Hi, We’re Kim and Way, two over-50 travelers that packed up our jobs and hit the road to see the world.

We’ve been living a life well-traveled since early 2018.

And later that year, on top of the Great Wall of China, we decided to challenge ourselves to slow travel to 60 countries by 2024 – the year Kim turns 60. We’re calling it 60×60.


Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Puerto Vallarta, México) Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe

La Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe – – es un ícono de Pto. Vallarta, domina la ciudad y es uno de los símbolos y puntos de referencia favoritos en la ciudad, la encontrarás en fotos, postales, playeras, logotipos y mucho más.

Si has estado en Puerto Vallarta, de seguro la has visitado, si vas a visitar la ciudad, no te olvides de agregarla a tu lista de cosas para hacer en PV. No sólo es para tus fotos del recuerdo, es uno de los monumentos más importantes de la ciudad y es el centro espiritual de los fieles Católicos de área.

Siempre hay actividad cerca y alrededor de la Iglesia, las campanas suenan 15 y 30 minutos antes de cada servicio.

En 1902, la diócesis de Tepic autoriza la construcción del templo en el pueblo. Los cimientos de la iglesia se iniciaron en 1903, aunque en ese momento ahí ya existía una pequeña capilla dedicada a la Virgen de Guadalupe, hay que acordarse que el pueblo se fundó un 12 de Diciembre (ver historia de Vallarta). En 1915 el padre Francisco Ayala llegó al pueblo y él, con algo de visión, sugirió que se necesitaría un templo mayor al que se había diseñado.

La construcción de la Iglesia misma se inició en 1930, iniciando el domo, para el año 1940 el edificio estaba completamente terminado excepto las dos torres. El coro se estrenó el 12 de Diciembre de 1951, junto con un órgano Hammond y aunque se habían propuesto terminar la torre principal para la misma fecha, no se logró hasta 1952.

Para coronar el edificio y su torre principal, qué mejor que una corona que fue puesta en 1965, ésta fue bosquejada, igual que la torre que la sostiene, por el cura párroco Don Rafael Parra Castillo y diseñada y esculpida por José Esteban Ramírez Guareño.

La iglesia misma, no una catedral, como muchos la conocen (no la preside un obispo), no es un diseño arquitectónico sofisticado, es una mezcla de todo tipo de estilos.

La corona original del templo fue dañada por el tiempo y la erosión, fue restaurada en 1981. Durante el terremoto de Colima del 9 de octubre de 1995 que en Vallarta se sintió de grado 6, la corona fue totalmente destruida. La actual corona esculpida, en 2009, por el famoso artista de Jalisco, Carlos Terres.

Más información sobre la Iglesia de Guadalupe en Puerto Vallarta:

Puerto Vallarta’s Parish “Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe” – – is a city icon, it dominates Vallarta’s downtown skyline and is one of the favorite symbols and landmarks of the city, both in photos, shirts, logos and postcards.

If you’ve been to Vallarta, you have surely visited it, if you are to visit the city, add it to your list of things to do in town, it not only is great for your souvenir photos, you’ll get a glimpse of one of the most important monuments of the city and the spiritual center of the Catholics in town (religion in Vallarta).

There’s always activity around and within the church, the church bells are rung by the sextants 30 and 15 minutes prior to each service, but it reaches almost a level of frenzy in the 12 days of Our Lady of Guadalupe Festival (also known as Feast of Guadalupe), held every year from December 1st to the 12th.

The foundations of the church were started in 1903, but at the time there was already a small chapel there dedicated to Virgin Guadalupe. In 1915 father Francisco Ayala arrived and he, with foresight, suggested that a bigger temple than the one that had been designed, be built instead.

To “crown” the Parish, what better than a crown. It was placed on the main tower in 1965 (based on the city historian, Carlos Munguía Fregoso) and was sketched by the priest Rafael Parra Castillo, the same person who designed the tower. The original crown was designed and sculpted by José Esteban Ramírez Guareño in 1965.

Under father Ramirez’s supervision, both the front side and lateral towers were finally finished in 1987 and what we know as the Our Lady of Guadalupe church was finally ready.

The church itself, not a cathedral, as many name it (it’s not presided by a Bishop), is not really a sophisticated architectural design, it’s a mix of styles that is result of the different parish priests’ tastes and ideas that appeared along the way.

The original crown on the church was damaged by weather and erosion and was restored in 1981. On October 9th, 1995 it fell off and was destroyed by a strong earthquake in Colima.
Now replaced with a crown sculptured by the famous Jaliscan artist, Carlos Terres, read more about the crown itself.

More info on the Vallarta Church (Vallarta Cathedral – which it isn’t 🙂 ):

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Puerto Vallarta,…

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Puerto Vallarta, México) Paris…

Our trip to Puerto Vallarta!!!

Join us as we travel to Puerto Vallarta! Amazing views, great people and LOTS of laughs.

Old Town Farmers Market Puerto Vallarta Full Tour (07/12/2019) Tianguis Cultural en Viejo Vallarta

Tianguis Cultural en el Parque Lázaro Cárdenas de Viejo Vallarta (Old Town Farmers Market / Olas Altas Saturday Market Vallarta’s)

Ubicado en el Parque Lázaro Cárdenas en el lado sur de PV, el Old Town Farmers Market – Tianguis Cultural está abierto todos los sábados de 9:30 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. desde el primer sábado de noviembre hasta finales de abril de cada año (COVID podría afectar esto).

Es la atracción de fin de semana favorita en Puerto Vallarta y es una mezcla del típico Tianguis mexicanoy un mercado de agricultores y productores locales al estilo norteamericano (Farmers Market). Más de 150.000 compradores nacionales e internacionales visitan, disfrutan y compran en los más de 80 puestos de vendedores de este mercado “solo para productores locales”. Todos los productos que se exponen son elaborados, cultivados, producidos, horneados y vendidos por mini empresarios que viven a menos de 75 kilómetros de Puerto Vallarta.

El Old Town Farmers Market-Tianguis Cultural se organiza en el Parque Lázaro Cárdenas. Admite mascotas, es accesible en silla de ruedas. También está disponible para estacionarse por solo $ 10 pesos la hora en el estacionamiento subterráneo debajo del parque.

Olas Altas Saturday Market Vallarta’s / Old Town Farmers Market-Tianguis Cultural

Located in Lazaro Cardenas Park on PV’s Southside, the Old Town Farmers’ Market – Tianguis Cultural is open every Saturday from 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM from the first Saturday in November until the end of April each year (COVID could affect this).

It’s Puerto Vallarta’s favourite weekend attraction is a blend of old-world Mexican Tianguis and a North American-style farmers market. Over 150,000 national and international shoppers visit, enjoy and buy at the over 80 vendor booths of this “producer-only” marketplace. All the products here are made, grown, produced, baked, and sold by vendors that live within 75 (45 miles) kilometres of Puerto Vallarta.

The Old Town Farmers Market-Tianguis Cultural is organized at the Lazaro Cárdenas Park. It’s pet friendly as well as wheelchair and stroller-accessible. Parking is also available for only $10 pesos an hour in the underground parking lot under the park itself.

Asi Esta PueRto VallArtA el Primer Dia de Septiembre??


? Estamos amaneciendo con un sol hermoso en las mañanas…Hola a todos y chequen como esta el cielo de Vallarta al entrar el mes de septiembre y acompañenme a recorrer Vallarta con mis pendientes..????????


Wondering what Puerto Vallarta looks like right now? Here is an update from a visit I took at the end of August 2020.

For monthly updates on what is happening in Mexico, sign up for my email list here:

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All Songs from Epidemic Sound

Song: Beach Breeze by Plain Strolls

Song: Playing at the Beach by Isobelle Walton

Old Town Farmers Market Puerto Vallarta Full Tour (07/12/2019)…

Old Town Farmers Market Puerto Vallarta Full Tour (07/12/2019) Tianguis …

?Asi esta Puerto Vallarta en temporal de Lluvias ideal para un pozoleee??


Buenas a todos , aqui les tengo un blog mas en donde veran como transcurre el temporal de lluvias que los tiene a algunos sin saber que se les puede presentar.

Yo les recomiendo disfruten no se preocupen y vengan a este pozolito????