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Playa Colomitos ? al S de Puerto Vallarta 08/12/19 Colomitos…

Playa Colomitos ? al S de Puerto Vallarta 08/12/19 Colomitos Beach, Cabo…

(Video del 8 de diciembre, 2019)

A veces las cosas buenas vienen en empaques pequeños, que sin duda es el caso de Playa Colomitos una pequeña playa llena de colores y hermosa al sur de Boca de Tomatlán, muy cerca de Puerto Vallarta en la Zona Sur de Bahía de Banderas, Jalisco, México.

En realidad, es parte de lo que se llama Cabo Corrientes, otro municipio de Jalisco, México, el mismo estado que Vallarta, pero eso realmente no cambia nada, es un excelente paseo si estás en la ciudad.

Hay dos opciones principales para llegar allí, una es tomar un autobús (los marcados como “Boca” o los que van hasta “El Tuito”) desde la zona romántica en la esquina de las calles Basilio Badillo y Constitución a Boca de Tomatlán Jalisco y de ahí caminando por la jungla a lo largo de un sendero fácil de encontrar (no es apto para gente en mal estado físico o con problemas a las rodillas) a 30-40 minutos de la playa. Otra opción es tomar un taxi acuático (panga) de Boca a Colomitos, algo que te costará unos 5 dólares (por trayecto). A mi me gustó mucho el paseo por la jungla, pero tómalo a un ritmo pausado, especialmente en la temporada de calor y por favor lleva una botella grande de agua (más de un litro es recomendable).

¿Que hacer en Colomitos? Playa Colomitos Jalisco, en su mayor parte ofrece placer estético, no hay mucho que hacer allí aparte de flotar en las tranquilas aguas cristalinas de color esmeralda, o disfrutar del sol en la playa mientras escuchas las tranquilas olas que acarician el arena de la orilla. No hay servicios, ni actividades, ni nada más que hacer, pero aun así, sin duda merece una visita. Es recomendable llevar equipo de snorkel y disfrutar de los peces y vida marina de la orilla.

También puedes combinar el viaje a Colomitos siguiendo el sendero a lo largo de la orilla hasta playa Caballo y Las Ánimas, pero sólo es para los más valientes y los que están en buena forma, además de llevar al menos 2 o 3 litros de agua, lo necesitarás!

Recomendaría traer algo de comida y bebida a Colomitos, también bloqueador solar, tal vez también equipo de snorkel. Si caminas durante la temporada seca (hasta junio), la jungla no te protegerá mucho, así que cúbrete con crema solar de vez en cuando.

Si se está preguntando dónde alojar, no hay lugar para quedarse en esta playa, no se permite acampar tampoco.
Averigua más sobre Playa Los Colomitos, ve el mapa, la ruta para llegar y más en


(Footage from December 8th, 2019)
Sometimes great things come in small packages, that certainly is the case of Colomitos Beach (Playa Colomitos) a small colorful and beautiful beach just south of Boca de Tomatlan, very close to Puerto Vallarta in the South Zone.

It’s actually part of what is called Cabo Corrientes, another municipality in Jalisco, México, the same state as Vallarta, but that really doesn’t change anything. But where is Colomitos Beach? Continue reading…

Playa Colomitos mostly offers aesthetic pleasure, there’s not much to do there other than bask in the calm crystal-clear emerald waters, or enjoy the sun on the beach while listening to the calm waves lap the sandy beach. There are no services, no activities, nothing else to do, but even so, it’s certainly worth a visit.

You can also combine the trip to Colomitos Puerto Vallarta, continuing along the path along the edge of the sea to Caballo Beach and Las Ánimas Beach, but that is only for the brave and fit, plus do take at least 2 to 3 liters of water along, you WILL need it.

I would recommend bringing some food and drink along to Colomitos Jalisco, also sunblock, maybe snorkeling gear too. If you walk during the dry season (up until June) the jungle won’t protect you much, so do cover yourself in sun cream from time to time.

If you are wondering, there is nowhere to stay over on this beach on in the Colomitos Cove area, camping is not allowed here.

A combined visit of Boca de Tomatlan and Colomitos Beach Cabo Corrientes is a great day trip and well worth your time and effort.
Read more about Colomitos Tomatlan Las Animas and how to get there:

Coronavirus Puerto Vallarta Travel Updates | What to expect? – July 13th, 2020

Update July 13th: A seen on

Want to know the latest updates of Coronavirus COVID-19 of Puerto Vallarta? In this video, we share what to expect when you arrive at our beautiful Puerto Vallarta, some recommendations, and the latest news regarding tourism and Coronavirus COVID-19.

Mexico is taking your safety as a number one priority. Puerto Vallarta reopened to tourism on July 15th and is certified as a “Safe Destination” by the World Travel and Tourism Council, complying with all health protocols for safe tourism operations. What does this mean? Social distancing protocols, health and sanitization routines, reduced capacity, and many more measures to ensure you have a safe, yet awesome vacation.

Most hotels and resorts have implemented the sanitary protocols, and are back in business, ready to welcome you. Many attractions, like the Malecon, beaches, restaurants, and shopping areas, are open, as well. You will also find your favorite activities, such as adventure tours, canopy tours, snorkeling, sports fishing, and so much more! The only events not running just yet are bars and nightclubs.

Remember, we are here to support you 7 days a week and to plan an amazing vacation in Puerto Vallarta for this summer or when you are ready to travel again. Changing dates or cancellations due to COVID-19 are free of charge. There is no risk to book with us!

To further help you, contact us through the following:
U.S. Toll-Free: +1-877-545-3284
From Everywhere else: +52 (322) 308-0123
Email: [email protected]

Thank you for choosing Puerto Vallarta as your first option. See you in Vallarta.
Check the latest Updates after Coronavirus:

Paseo Malecón de Puerto Vallarta al ocaso ? (06/12/2019) Puerto Vallarta Boardwalk before sunset

Un paseo a pie por el Malecón de Puerto Vallarta vamos desde Cervecería Unión y la escultura de La Rotonda del Mar pasando varias esculturas y viendo el paso a la orilla del mar justo antes de la puesta de sol, hasta llegar a la escultura de La Fuente de la Amistad en el extremo sur del boulevard en el centro de Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México.

Más sobre el paseo marítimo y el Malecón de Pto. Vallarta en:

#puertovallarta #malecon #maleconpuertovallarta #jalisco #mexico
A walk along the Malecon in downtown Puerto Vallarta from Cervecería Union Brewery and the sculpture of The Roundabout of the Sea walking by several sculptures and strolling along the seaside boardwalk just before sunset, until we reach the sculpture of The Friendship Fountain at the southern end of the Malecon in the downtown Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

More about the promenade and the Malecon in Puerto Vallarta at:

Paseo Malecón de Puerto Vallarta al ocaso ? (06/12/2019) Puerto…

Paseo Malecón de Puerto Vallarta al ocaso ? (06/12/2019) Puerto Vallarta…

Un paseo a pie por el Malecón de Puerto Vallarta vamos desde Cervecería Unión y la escultura de La Rotonda del Mar pasando varias esculturas y viendo el paso a la orilla del mar justo antes de la puesta de sol, hasta llegar a la escultura de La Fuente de la Amistad en el extremo sur del boulevard en el centro de Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México.

Más sobre el paseo marítimo y el Malecón de Pto. Vallarta en:

#puertovallarta #malecon #maleconpuertovallarta #jalisco #mexico
A walk along the Malecon in downtown Puerto Vallarta from Cervecería Union Brewery and the sculpture of The Roundabout of the Sea walking by several sculptures and strolling along the seaside boardwalk just before sunset, until we reach the sculpture of The Friendship Fountain at the southern end of the Malecon in the downtown Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

More about the promenade and the Malecon in Puerto Vallarta at:

??Esto Encontre en el Malecon de Puerto Vallarta al grabar la Tienda de Deportes???


??Justo cuando hace solo horas les hable como estaban las familias de Puerto Vallarta , me tope con esto en el Malecon..
Yo solo les queria bloguesr la tienda de deportes asi como el Malecon sin embargo Dios quiere que Vallarta sea escuchado.

Aqui el tip de la tienda el Malecon y bueno el grito de la gente.

Puerto Vallarta July 2020

Fiesta Americana Puerto Vallarta

Fiestas Guadalupanas, Procesiones de la Virgen de Guadalupe,…

Fiestas Guadalupanas, Procesiones de la Virgen de Guadalupe, Puerto Vall…

A stroll through downtown Puerto Vallarta, from the Malecon to the Main Square (Plaza de Armas), from there to Avenida Juarez with Independencia Street and we’ll see the arrival of the processions of the Virgin of Guadalupe during the Guadalupana Festivities in Puerto Vallarta that last from December 1 to December 12 each year. Views of the Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe from Independencia Street and from the corner with Hidalgo Street.
Who wouldn’t want to be in a celebration like this ? in Puerto Vallarta? (December 2nd, 2019)

Puerto Vallarta Coffee & Headlines • August 5, 2020

Headlines and stories for Puerto Vallarta’s English-speaking community!

Coffee and Headlines is streamed live every day at 10:30 am local time on Facebook, and also available on YouTube shortly thereafter. Coffee and Headlines is made possible by subscribers and contributors just like you. Thank you for your continued support!

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From Today’s broadcast:


9 pm curfew announced in Tapalpa, a Jalisco ‘pueblo mágico’

The federal covid stoplight will be updated every 15 days, says Yucatán Governor Mauricio Vila:

With more than 2,000 covid cases, Colima Governor Ignacio Peralta Sánchez launches initiative to make face mask use mandatory:

Hugo López-Gatell says pandemic ‘decreased’ in July but we must remain cautious, patient and at home unless necessary:

Jalisco Mobility Secretary Diego Monraz indicated that public transportation must operate without air conditioning:

See for yourself, how airplanes are cleaned today:

Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador promises conclusion of Guadalajara-Puerto Vallarta highway, again:

Two articles about the apprehension of Santa Rosa de Lima cartel leader, “El Marro”

Yahoo News:
El Universal:


Disney+ is coming to Mexico in November:

Instagram’s answer to TikTok is here:

Five minutes that will make you love 21st-century composers:

The 35st Guadalajara International Film Festival has been announced:

WATCH: The first official Netflix trailer for the upcoming series ‘Ratched’ is here:

A Nostalgia Vlog: Puerto Vallarta ?

Hii Friendss!! ?

In today’s video..I wanted to share with you guy a trip we took to Thomas’ hometown. These times got us missing this beautiful place & hope to go back soon!!!

Thank you for watching! Xoxo ?
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Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Free Download / Stream:
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