Our story on why we moved to Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
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Here’s favorite restaurants in Puerto Vallarta Mexico:
Coco’s kitchen
Daiquiri dick’s
Daiquiri dick’s
Joe Jacks fish shack
Salud Superfoods
El Barracuda
Hacienda San Angel (amazing and a bit expensive, however WELL worth the experience)
Poncho’s Takos
Café de Olla
El Barracuda
Siam Thái
La Capella
River Café
Porto Bella in the marina (might be gone)
Drinks in the lighthouse in the marina
Los lugares Imperdibles y platillos tipicos para comer delicioso en puerto #Vallarta Mexico, Que comer en la PLAYA de #puertovallarta los mejores lugares para comer en Vallarta. Como ir a Puerto #Vallarta, qué hacer y donde comer en Puerto Vallarta, el destino número 1 de #Mexico, Costos de la comida, a donde ir? Tips, Poco presupuesto, Que comer en el Malecon Puerto Vallarta playas hermosas de #PuertoVallarta, Jalisco enamórate y visíta estos lugares economicos para comer en tus #vacaciones, Lugares Puerto Vallarta I LUGARES IMPORTANTES A CONOCER DE PUERTO VALLARTA, Puerto Vallarta con muy poco dinero, Descubre en este video cómo puedes viajar a Puerto Vallarta con poca lana y dinero. ? COMO VIAJAR PUERTO VALLARTA BAJO PRESUPUESTO | DONDE HOSPEDARSE? | WHEN TO VISIT Vallarta & WHERE TO STAY? Vallarta Tips de viaje con bajo presupuesto es caro?. En este video te decimos como ir sin gastar mucho dinero, te decimos lo que no te debes perder si vienes a Vallarta, ahorrando dinero y dolares.
The Unmissable places and typical dishes to eat delicious in Puerto #Vallarta Mexico, What to eat in the BEACH of #puertovallarta the best places to eat in Vallarta. How to go to Puerto #Vallarta, what to do and where to eat in Puerto Vallarta, the # 1 destination of #Mexico, Food costs, where to go? Tips, Low budget, What to eat in the Malecon Puerto Vallarta beautiful beaches of #PuertoVallarta, Jalisco fall in love and visit these cheap places to eat in your #vacations, Places Puerto Vallarta I IMPORTANT PLACES TO KNOW OF PUERTO VALLARTA, Puerto Vallarta with very little money Discover in this video how you can travel to Puerto Vallarta with little wool and money. ? HOW TO TRAVEL PUERTO VALLARTA UNDER A BUDGET | WHERE TO STAY? | WHEN TO VISIT Vallarta & WHERE TO STAY? Vallarta Travel tips with low budget is expensive ?. In this video we tell you how to go without spending a lot of money, we tell you what you should not miss if you come to Vallarta, saving money and dollars.
Apartado postal:
*Apartado Postal 1101*
*Colonia Centro*
*León Guanajuato, México*
*CP 37000*
Canal Personas de Adriana ADIY:
#Vlogs, #VlogsDiarios, #VlogsViaje, #Vlogs como ahorrar dinero, tours #Cancun, cuánto #cuesta? Que #incluye? Vlogs de Papa y Mama…. VLOGS VIAJE, #VLOGSCANCUN CON #POCODINERO, Como #viajar #poco #dinero, #Islamujeres #barato, como gastar poco en tus viajes… Somos de #LEÓN #GUANAJUATO México.
Contacto: [email protected]
EL FACE: https://www.facebook.com/ADYDAMCHAVOS
EL TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ADYDAM_CHAVOS
EL INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/chavosvlogs/
? PUERTO VALLARTA CON POCO DINERO | Hospedaje?, Que hacer?, Donde comer?, Costos, Tips, LO SABIAS?
Ayuda a los artistas a generar mas música, toda la música que usamos los autores poseen la propiedad y son de autoría original por:
Como ir a Puerto #Vallarta, qué hacer en Puerto Vallarta, el destino número 1 de #Mexico, Costos, Tips, Hospedaje Poco presupuesto, Malecon Puerto Vallarta playas hermosas de #PuertoVallarta,
Jalisco enamórate y visítalo en tus #vacaciones, 5 playas Puerto Vallarta I LUGARES IMPORTANTES A CONOCER DE PUERTO VALLARTA, Puerto Vallarta con muy poco dinero, Descubre en este video cómo puedes viajar a Puerto Vallarta con poca lana y dinero. ? COMO VIAJAR PUERTO VALLARTA BAJO PRESUPUESTO | DONDE HOSPEDARSE? | WHEN TO VISIT Cancun & WHERE TO STAY? Vallarta Tips de viaje con bajo presupuesto es caro?. En este video te decimos como ir sin gastar mucho dinero, te decimos lo que no te debes perder si vienes a Vallarta, ahorrando dinero y dolares.
How to go to Puerto #Vallarta, what to do in Puerto Vallarta, the # 1 destination of #Mexico, Costs, Tips, Lodging Little budget, Malecon Puerto Vallarta beautiful beaches of #PuertoVallarta,
Jalisco fall in love and visit it in your #vacations, IMPORTANT PLACES TO KNOW OF PUERTO VALLARTA, Puerto Vallarta with very little money, Discover in this video how you can travel to Puerto Vallarta with little wool and money. ? HOW TO TRAVEL PUERTO VALLARTA UNDER A BUDGET | WHERE TO STAY? | WHEN TO VISIT Cancun & WHERE TO STAY? Vallarta Travel tips with low budget is expensive ?. In this video we tell you how to go without spending a lot of money, we tell you what you should not miss if you come to Vallarta, saving money and dollars.
Apartado postal:
*Apartado Postal 1101*
*Colonia Centro*
*León Guanajuato, México*
*CP 37000*
Canal Personal de Adriana ADIY:
#Vlogs, #VlogsDiarios, #VlogsViaje, #Vlogs como ahorrar dinero, tours #Cancun, cuánto #cuesta? Que #incluye? Vlogs de Papa y Mama…. VLOGS VIAJE, #VLOGSCANCUN CON #POCODINERO, Como #viajar #poco #dinero, #Islamujeres #barato, como gastar poco en tus viajes… Somos de #LEÓN #GUANAJUATO México.
Contacto: [email protected]
EL FACE: https://www.facebook.com/ADYDAMCHAVOS
EL TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ADYDAM_CHAVOS
EL INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/chavosvlogs/
Contacta a la agencia directamente, diles que vas de nuestra parte para un descuento:
Puerto Vallarta, qué hacer en el puerto de Mexico y Jalisco.
Ayuda a los artistas a generar mas música, toda la música que usamos los autores poseen la propiedad y son de autoría original por:
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La versión 2019 de las 10 mejores cosas para hacer y disfrutar mientras está de vacaciones en Puerto Vallarta
0:01 Mirador La Cruz (Cerro de la Cruz) / La Cruz Lookout (The Cross Hill City Lookout)
0:22 Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Centro de Puerto Vallarta / Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish (Guadalupe Church)
0:32 Malecón de Puerto Vallarta, Centro de la Ciudad / Downtown Puerto Vallarta Boardwalk Malecón (Seaside Walkway Promenade, The Malecon)
0:51 Estatua del Caballito de Mar (El Niño Sobre el Caballo de Mar) / Seahorse Statue (The Boy on the Seahorse)
0:53 Islas Marietas y Playa Escondida, Riviera Nayarita / Marietas Islands & the Hidden Beach, Nayarit, Mexico
1:05 En la Playa Escondida, Islas Marietas, Nayarit México / Inside the crater Beach (Hidden Beach) Riviera Nayarit Mexico
1:14 Playa de Los Muertos y el Muelle de Los Muertos, Zona Romántica, Puerto Vallarta / Los Muertos Beach and the Pier, Romantic Zone, Puerto Vallarta
1:39 Playa principal de Yelapa, Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco, México / Yelapa’s Main Beach
2:03 Sayulita, Nayarit, México
2:25 Los Arcos de Mismaloya, Puerto Vallarta / Los Arcos (The Arches) Puerto Vallarta Mexico
2:45 Isla del Río Cuale, Puente de La Iguana, Centro Cultural, Puente Colgante / Cuale River Island, Cuale Cultural Center & hanging bridge
3:12 Jardines Botánicos de Puerto Vallarta / Vallarta Botanical Gardens, Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco Mexico
3:35 Caminata desde Boca de Tomatlán a Playa Las Ánimas pasando por Playa Colomitos / Hike from Boca to Las Animas Beach passing Colomitos beach and cove along the way.
2019 version of the Top 10 Things To Do & enjoy while you are vacationing in Puerto Vallarta
????????????-=[ Ábreme, es útil! ]=-?????????????
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Playa Conchas Chinas: https://pvmx.net/ConchasChinasESP
Playa Conchas Chinas Vallarta es, sin lugar a dudas, una de las más fascinantes y llamativas del centro de Puerto Vallarta, Bahía las Banderas y de las playas mexicanas en general. El encuentro de diversos ecosistemas en un punto, unido a su agraciado relieve costero y submarino ha otorgado a este lugar una belleza que hay que ver para entender.
El nombre aparentemente proviene de conchas de moluscos del lugar, no es que provengan de China (como casi todo hoy en día…), sino que “chinas” según la acepción local mexicana que son onduladas, crespas, con rulos. Una persona con pelo “chino” en México no es pelo tieso liso, sino crespo :-), así que una concha china sería una concha con ondulaciones o curvilínea de alguna manera (si alguien sabe específicamente de qué especie estamos hablando, me encantaría saber).
Más sobre Playa Conchas Chinas Puerto Vallarta: https://pvmx.net/ConchasChinasESP
Conchas Chinas: https://pvmx.net/ConchasChinasENG
Conchas Chinas Beach Vallarta is, without a doubt, one of the most fascinating and striking beaches in downtown Puerto Vallarta, the Banderas Bay area and Mexican beaches in general. The melding of various ecosystems in one location, together with its graceful coast and underwater profile has given the place a beauty that must be seen to be understood.
The name apparently comes from mollusk shells you find there, not that they come from China (like almost everything nowadays …), but “china” in the local Mexican usage means wavy or with curls. A person with “chino” hair in Mexico is not straight and stiff, but rather curly hair :-), so a Chinese shell (concha china) would be a conch with undulations or curvilinear in some way (if someone knows specifically what species we are talking about, I’d love to know). So Conchas Chinas actually means Curvy Shells or something like that.
Find out more about Playa Conchas Chinas Beach Puerto Vallarta here: https://pvmx.net/ConchasChinasENG
This week we are taking you along with us on a day trip to Sayulita! Learn things like
-How to take a bus to Sayulita
-What to do in Sayulita
-What is the best beach in Sayulita
and more!
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Martín’s Twitter: http://twitter.com/martinigomez
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? Business and Questions: [email protected]
Sony A7sii ? http://amzn.to/2BBrdo7
Sony 24-240mm ? http://amzn.to/2C5w65Q
Mic: Sennheiser 400 Mic ? http://amzn.to/2mWso9j
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Travel is our passion, and we are blessed to have seen the world in so many different lights— from working on cruise ships, to studying abroad and solo traveling. The case of the travel bug is real for us, and we hope to give out viewers their dose of weekly inspiration to get out there and see the world!
This video is not sponsored but does include affiliate links (meaning I receive a small percentage of the profit). All opinions are my own.
Small summer trip i took with the fam for vacation to Puerto Vallarta. The resort we stayed at was called Fiesta Americana. Enjoy!! COMMENT/LIKE/SUBSCRIBE for more videos. I recorded and edited all of the footage and they all belong to me below is the music i used with the credit given to the owner of the music. Follow me on instagram @JivenchyFilmz
Equipment Used:
– Calma (INSTRUMENTAL / Karaoke) – Pedro Capó
-Markvard – Desire (Vlog No Copyright Music)
-LiQWYD – Summer Nights (Vlog No Copyright Music)
-XIBE – Loop Me ! (Vlog No Copyright Music)
A tale of two beaches: in this vlog, we visit two local Puerto Vallarta beaches, the most popular tourist spot, Playa de Los Muertos, and a smaller, more secluded beach to the south called Playa Las Gemelas (which I always said wrong). One is a hot spot with tons of restaurants and shops nearby, and one is calm and chill. Which do you like best? Also stick around to the end to see the best meal we had during our trip to Puerto Vallarta. Yum!
Where we stayed: Grand Miramar hotel (Link here: https://www.grandmiramar.com)
Where we ate:
Salud Super Food https://m.facebook.com/Salud-Super-Food-158900984203464/
Tony’s Hideaway in Mismaloya: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g1015495-d1557626-Reviews-Tony_s_Hideaway-Mismaloya.html
? Follow me on Instagram: @erinistraveling
? Subscribe to my channel: erinstravels.com
????? Get to know us: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrD3DyYAHz7sVcfYlDY1yRO3zfqugSu6U
? Gear I Use:
My main camera: https://amzn.to/2Sl8WzV
My point-and-shoot vlogging camera: https://amzn.to/2Sn8aT5
GoPro: https://amzn.to/2Re23TS
My microphone: https://amzn.to/2VcJG0w
(These links are affiliate links, and if you make a purchase after clicking one of them, I receive a small commission; all prices are exactly the same for you and there is no additional cost for using these links. Thanks for your support!)
?? My entire Mexico playlist: https://bit.ly/2CGQE81
? Get $40 off your first stay with AirBnB: https://bit.ly/2PwuOXO
? Music used:
“Taco Sueco” (beginning and end of the video) by Little Island Leap
“Infected Ground” by Particle House
“You Look So Good” by Aldenmark Niklasson
“Different Kind of Lonely” by The Eastern Plain
Find these songs and other royalty-free music on Epidemic Sound.