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Bella toma ?? del centro de Puerto Vallarta ¿te gusta? Beautiful…

Bella toma ?? del centro de Puerto Vallarta ¿te gusta?
Beautiful shot ? of downtown PV, do you like it? /
#PuertoVallarta #Vallarta #Mexico #Jalisco #Malecon #maleconpuertovallarta,


I arrive in Puerto Vallarta for Tasha’s USC spring break, we go to the beach, I break my new camera 🙁 booo, we eat mexican food and sushi, and we go to the hot tub!

Instagram: @gretchengeraghty | Snapchat: gretchennnnn |
Twitter: @glbyt | Spotify: gretchennnnn


Malecón Puerto Vallarta 2004 vs 2017 ¿Qué opinas? más fotos…

Malecón Puerto Vallarta 2004 vs 2017
¿Qué opinas? más fotos comparativas –>
What do you think? more before/after photos –>
#puertovallarta #vallarta #mexico #jalisco,

Los Pelillos de Culiacán en Puerto Vallarta 1

VidaFest 2017 feat. All Starr Circus Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Semana Santa 2017 Puerto Vallarta (Cuarto Episodio en HD)

Este es un Video Musical que promueve Eventos, Playas, Paisajes & Talentos, Evento Publico en el mes de Abril (2017) en las Playas de Puerto Vallarta al final de la Semana santa en el Holly Day Inn, Evento masivo con gente de todas partes de México, con la colaboración especial de Fotógrafos conocidos en el area, Mc`s y Conductores, tambien Evento especial, Pool-Party que se realizo en el Bungy Vallarta, donde se hicieron actividades deportivas y concursos, con la colaboración de Modelos, Mc´s, y Conductores. No olviden subscribirse en nuestro canal.
Atentamente Happy-Face…

Semana Santa 2017 Puerto Vallarta (Quinto Episodio en HD)

Este es un Video Musical que promueve Eventos, Playas, Paisajes & Talentos, Evento Publico en el mes de Abril (2017) en las Playas de Puerto Vallarta al final de la Semana santa en el Holly Day Inn, Evento masivo con gente de todas partes de México, con la colaboración especial de Fotógrafos conocidos en el area, Mc`s y Conductores, tambien Evento especial, Pool-Party que se realizo en el Bungy Vallarta, donde se hicieron actividades deportivas y concursos, con la colaboración de Modelos, Mc´s, y Conductores. No olviden subscribirse en nuestro canal.
Atentamente Happy-Face…

Safety in Puerto Vallarta

More than 160,000 U.S. citizens cross the border every day and at least one million U.S. citizens live in Mexico. The U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that about 22 million U.S. citizens visit Mexico each year, for business and pleasure. We interviewed more than 100 tourists and people who live full or part-time in Mexico. We asked them to give us their perspective on Mexico’s safety.

Travel Secrets TV offers quality advice and objective information for tourists and people who want to retire in Mexico. The Series also deals with unsubstantiated travel warnings and negative press reports about the safety situation in Mexico. The primary goal of Travel Secrets TV is to restore trust in Mexico’s tourism.

Las calles de Puerto Vallarta ¿conoces ésta? Comparte tu foto…

Las calles de Puerto Vallarta ¿conoces ésta? Comparte tu foto
Streets of #Vallarta, do you know this one? Share your photo too
#puertovallarta #vallarta #jalisco #mexico #puertovallartanet,

Puerto Vallarta 2018

Georgia and I took a spontaneous trip to Mexico!!

Highlights of the hol included multiple free lunches and cocktails, getting sunburnt on a cloudy day, the friendliest Airbnb pups and some incredible sunsets ?

Uber versus Taxis in Puerto Vallata // Life in Puerto Vallarta Vlog

An article about the issue:

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? 50 Things to do in Puerto Vallarta –
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-How we learned to speak Spanish-

How do we stay so fit after eating all of that food?

We moved to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in March and we have been publishing daily blogs every day since. We like to explore all of the best food, beaches, and things to do in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Follow us on our journey!

We write about couples travel, traveling on a mid-range budget, and living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

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Main Camera:
Action Camera:
Latest Book I Love:

? Who are we?

Hey there! We are Greg and Hillary – a husband and wife team that loves traveling, going on adventures, and helping others do the same! Although we love traveling, at this point in time, we still have full time 9-5 jobs in Dallas, Texas.
In August of 2016, we packed up our things, Greg quit his job, and we moved to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico!
Hillary is working remotely for her CPA firm and Greg is working on this site full time.
We view ourselves as fairly ordinary people, complete with an ordinary income, ordinary jobs, and (unfortunately) an ordinary amount of student loan debt (thanks UNT!).
I know what you are thinking, “Aren’t travel blogs supposed to be written by hippies that don’t have jobs and live in hostels?!” Well don’t you worry, we are working on making that happen! Although we hope to become full time travelers in the next 1-2 years, this site is not necessarily aimed at people that want to travel full time.
Our hope is not that you quit your job and become a long haired, bearded, Volkswagen van driving hippy. Instead, our hope is that after reading our stories you are more inspired to live a more fulfilling life from 5pm-9am!
Why such the emphasis on how ordinary we are? Although we love reading travel blogs, it is easy to feel disconnected from the writers at times. It seems as though they are leading such extraordinary lives that they are somehow doing something that is unreachable to the “average” person.

We are here to prove that wrong. We are here to tell you that even if you work a full-time job and only get two weeks of vacation each year-you still have the power to design an adventurous life for yourself. Afterall, that is exactly where we started before leaving it all behind to live la vida loca!
After having several caffeine induced conversations about how people should travel more and shift their priorities in a way that will lead to a more fulfilling life, we decided to share our stories with you.
Our purpose in creating Kinetic Kennons is to share our stories of travels, adventures, and funny mishaps and to inspire others to design a life full of exploration. Throughout this site you will find posts about how to go on a cheap weekend trip, funny stories such as the time Hillary forgot to update her passport before an international trip, and inspirational rants on why you should lead a more adventurous life!