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Down Puerto Vallarta – Fuerte Impacto Grossman.f

Down Puerto Vallarta – Fuerte Impacto

Hungry for Cajun Food in Puerto Vallarta? Discover Capitan Cajun

GoPro – Antoni Villoni DOWN PUERTO VALLARTA / Altius Events

Antoni Villoni shredding our new track at Puerto Vallarta at the practice laps from today.
Look out for Race Day!

Down Puerto Vallarta

Nos metimos al evento #Downhill en #PuertoVallarta

Puerto Vallarta Staycation // Life in Puerto Vallarta Vlog

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? Our Puerto Vallarta travel blog

In todays puerto vallarta vlog we enjoy a wonderful staycation at the holiday inn express in Puerto vallarta!

Contact us at [email protected] for media inquiries, press mentions, product reviews, tour reviews, etc.

We moved to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in March and we have been publishing daily blogs every day since. We like to explore all of the best food, beaches, and things to do in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Follow us on our journey!

We write about couples travel, traveling on a mid-range budget, and living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

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? Who are we?

Hey there! We are Greg and Hillary – a husband and wife team that loves traveling, going on adventures, and helping others do the same! Although we love traveling, at this point in time, we still have full time 9-5 jobs in Dallas, Texas.
In August of 2016, we packed up our things, Greg quit his job, and we moved to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico!
Hillary is working remotely for her CPA firm and Greg is working on this site full time.
We view ourselves as fairly ordinary people, complete with an ordinary income, ordinary jobs, and (unfortunately) an ordinary amount of student loan debt (thanks UNT!).
I know what you are thinking, “Aren’t travel blogs supposed to be written by hippies that don’t have jobs and live in hostels?!” Well don’t you worry, we are working on making that happen! Although we hope to become full time travelers in the next 1-2 years, this site is not necessarily aimed at people that want to travel full time.
Our hope is not that you quit your job and become a long haired, bearded, Volkswagen van driving hippy. Instead, our hope is that after reading our stories you are more inspired to live a more fulfilling life from 5pm-9am!
Why such the emphasis on how ordinary we are? Although we love reading travel blogs, it is easy to feel disconnected from the writers at times. It seems as though they are leading such extraordinary lives that they are somehow doing something that is unreachable to the “average” person.

We are here to prove that wrong. We are here to tell you that even if you work a full-time job and only get two weeks of vacation each year-you still have the power to design an adventurous life for yourself. Afterall, that is exactly where we started before leaving it all behind to live la vida loca!
After having several caffeine induced conversations about how people should travel more and shift their priorities in a way that will lead to a more fulfilling life, we decided to share our stories with you.
Our purpose in creating Kinetic Kennons is to share our stories of travels, adventures, and funny mishaps and to inspire others to design a life full of exploration. Throughout this site you will find posts about how to go on a cheap weekend trip, funny stories such as the time Hillary forgot to update her passport before an international trip, and inspirational rants on why you should lead a more adventurous life!


Esta noche me invitaron a un lote de autos en puerto Vallarta Jalisco porque los veladores del lugar frecuentemente escuchan ruidos del abrir y cerrar de las puertas de los carros incluso prenden las luces de los carros aunque estoy ya no tengan la batería
Más directos aquí

Rihanna luce sus encantos en playas de Puerto Vallarta


Regreso al Pasado | Puerto Vallarta

Después de 7 años regresamos al lugar donde nos conocimos: Puerto Vallarta



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Puerto Vallarta p2-6 BAHÍA DE BANDERAS Bitácora – Travel log

Immerse yourself in the magic of the Banderas Bay, a bay shared by the states of Jalisco and Nayarit in México. Follow Craig Zabransky, travel blogger, to the Jalisco coast and discover the secrets of its small beaches with waterfalls, forests to explore, and gastronomic delights from the sea.

Sumérgete en la magia de Bahía de Banderas que comparten los estados de Jalisco y Nayarit. Sigue a Craig Zabransky, bloguero de viajes, por la costa jalisciense y descubre los secretos de sus pequeñas playas con cascadas, bosques para explorar y delicias gastronómicas con sabor a mar.

Yelapa y centro de Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Me?xico


Mi viaje a México, visitando Puerto Vallarta, específicamente Yelapa, una playa increíble y paradisiaca a la que solo se llega tomando taxi acuático. Yelapa es una maravilla en Puerto Vallarta.
Terminé el día paseando por el centro de Puerto Vallarta, lugar con hermosas vistas, muchas artesanías y cultura. Un hermoso lugar en el estado de Jalisco.

Sígueme y visita mis videos de viajes.

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