We head out once again to Puerto Vallarta. One of our favorite spots. Take in some of the amazing scenery that is Mexico and PV. We had a great time. Shot on the iPhone 7 Plus, AceCam 4K action cam, ION Air Pro and DB5000 action cams.
Bridge over the Cuale River 1960s vs 2017 – incredible, no?
Puerto Vallarta History, more info: http://bit.ly/PVHistory, http://bit.ly/2kzWJdN
“FAT AMY” Benchmark WOD at Bahia CrossFit in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
A couple athletes at Bahia are taking on the benchmark WOD “FAT AMY.”
This is one of the best things about doing WODwell. When we are traveling we just reach out to a box like Bahia to see if they’re willing to host a video. We’ve had a blast making WOD videos in over 10 cities in 5 countries so far.
WODwell’s (http://wodwell.com) mission is “to create, curate, and organize videos that help athletes improve their performance on CrossFit benchmark WODs and increase their fitness.”
We create video demos of benchmark/named CrossFit WODs (workouts of the day) and collect the best WOD demos created by others, and organize them all on wodwell.com – to help functional athletes understand each workout, develop a strategy, and ultimately improve their fitness.
Places you have to visit in Puerto Vallarta: The Parish
What other’s would you add?
Welcome to Puerto Vallarta! http://bit.ly/aboutpv, http://bit.ly/2kxQTJX
One of the draws of PV are the great beaches. The beauty of the sand and warm waters of the Pacific. A vacation to Puerto Vallarta. Beaches, Music, Food, and Fun in Mexico! Brad Buckner enjoys a visit in the sun down south.
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Josh and Ashley explore the Botanical Gardens in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. It’s an inexpensive and romantic destination for any budget. If you are traveling Mexico and need a tourist destination recommendation, definitely visit the Botanical Gardens.
? These Botanical Gardens in Puerto Vallarta are AMAZING! – Mexico vlog #290
The Way Away is Josh and Ashley Brown, husband and wife world travelers. Our mission is to bring the world closer by showing the uniqueness of our cultures and promoting unity around the world. Subscribe to our channel to watch our daily travel vlogs.
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Song: My Future by Artificial Music
Be With You by Dyalla https://soundcloud.com/dyallas/be-with-you
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Snapchat: mrsmekka (Ash) https://snapchat.com/add/mrsmekka , thEmythfasha (Josh) https://snapchat.com/add/themythfasha
How To Pack 365 Days of Clothes Into 1 Carry On – http://thewayaway.com/cheat-sheet/
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Travel Itinerary – http://bit.ly/WayAwayCal