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10 Places to Enjoy with Your Pets in Puerto Vallarta

Health and Wellness Puerto Vallarta Event Approaches

Organizers just announced the first edition of Health and Wellness Puerto Vallarta, an event that seeks to acquaint attendees with new self care options and alternatives, on Sunday, March 13 at Lázaro Cárdenas Park.

Puerto Vallarta en streaming

ECOBAC Puerto Vallarta 2nd Whale Conservation Fest

Cat Shelter Will Celebrate Mystical Fundraising Evening

The Purr Project, a no-kill feline sanctuary north of Puerto Vallarta, announced its “Mystical Evening” annual cocktail party at the iconic Daiquiri Dick’s restaurant.

FMV Cup – Puerto Vallarta Race comes to an end with Horizon on top

See on Scoop.itPuerto Vallarta

2016 FMV Cup – Puerto Vallarta Race – The 2016 edition of the Vallarta Race was a tale of two races. As sailors reached the dock in Marina Vallarta, their stories emphasized the contrast between the two. The first race is the run from San Diego to Cabo which this year was like none other. The second race involves attempting to avoid the holes and minimize the light air that most boats encountered crossing the Sea of Cortez and approach to PV. 

PuertoVallarta’s insight:

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Ky-Mani Marley and Kassiano to Perform at Puerto Vallarta Reggae Festival

Mexico's Casa Velas Puerto Vallarta Hosts Divorcee Getaway to Restart Love Lives

Caballos Bailadores Campeonato Puerto Vallarta 2015 Mundo Ecuestre

Caballos Bailadores Campeonato Puerto Vallarta 2015! Mundo Ecuestre sigue fomentando el deporte de a caballo. En esta ocasion vimos caballos Frison, Español y Criollos. Criollos se refieren a los mojados, porque no tienen papeles. jiji. Año con año van mejorando los jinetes y los caballos. El caballo Ganador Frison Kalimba despampanante! Niños montando estilo jaripeo asi como la presentacion especial de Elsie Tello. Gracias en especial a Sergio Martin Castellanos, presidente de la asociacion de caballos bailadores. Jorge Tello, juez. Lic. Marco Garcia Pricipe, Juez, asi como a todos los que apoyan el deporte de a caballo.

Puerto Vallarta's Naval Museum Reopens with Cutting Edge Exhibitions