Puerto Vallarta, uno de los 125 municipios del estado de Jalisco, es de los destinos de playa más visitado en México tanto por los extranjeros como los turistas nacionales.
¿Cuál es tu foto favorita de Vallarta? Agrégala a este post / What’s your favorite PV photo? Add it to this post
Disfruta Puerto Vallarta, ideas y paseos: http://bit.ly/DisfrutaPV
Enjoy PV, some ideas and plans: http://bit.ly/EnjoyingPV
#vallarta #puertovallarta #jalisco #whattodo #quehacer #mexico
Photo/Foto: Tammy Roeme Smith, http://on.fb.me/1TpvJII
See on Scoop.it – Puerto Vallarta
2016 FMV Cup – Puerto Vallarta Race – The 2016 edition of the Vallarta Race was a tale of two races. As sailors reached the dock in Marina Vallarta, their stories emphasized the contrast between the two. The first race is the run from San Diego to Cabo which this year was like none other. The second race involves attempting to avoid the holes and minimize the light air that most boats encountered crossing the Sea of Cortez and approach to PV.
More on Puerto Vallarta at: www.puertovallarta.net