Looks like this is the second time this year that Serrano’s was forced to close down by the city of Puerto Vallarta. They seem to be plagued by a case of salmonella that they can not shake. This is the second time this year that they have had to close there doors because of sick customers. Serrano’s has been a very popular place to eat in Old Town Puerto Vallarta in the past.
By: Alex Smith 10/18/5015
See on Scoop.it – Puerto Vallarta
Day of the Dead, Día de Muertos, what is it? Learn more about this very interesting Mexican traditional celebration in the start of the month of November.
From October 28 to November 2 Puerto Vallarta celebrates The Day of the Dead, and has prepared a series of activities for you, which will be held in different venues around the city.
Enjoy a delicious Pan de Muerto while walking through art galleries and get to see the traditional altars and flower carpets.
The program follows:
Wednesday October 28th
5:30pm – Venue : OPC – Art Galleries Tour and welcome cocktail
Venue: Art Walk – Tour no guiado de galerías de arte
Venue: Café Des Artistes y OPC -Live music, flower carpets, murals and visitors guide distribution.
Thursday October 29th
5:00pm – Venue: Del Refugio Church – Introducing the Camerata Orchestra School of Puerto Vallarta
6:00pm – Conference “The History of Death in Ancient Mexico”, Los Muertos film festival presents “Macario”
7:00pm – Special menus at restaurants
9:30pm – Visitors guide distribution
Friday October 30th
9:30am – Venue: Different spots across the city – Flower, sawdust and sand carpet exhibit.
10:00am .-Venue: Lázaro Cárdenas Square – Interactive Altar Opening – Altar tour Downtown Vallarta, Decorated boats in honor of deceased captains
7:00pm – Venue: 5 de Diciembre Cementery- Music and Beer Festival
Saturday October 31st
10:00am – Venue: Cuale Island – Paint your Calaverita
12:00pm -Screening “La Leyenda de la Nahuala”
4:00pm – Face painting for récord Guinness
5:30pm – Venue: 5 de Diciembre Cementery -Catrinas and giant puppets parade
6:30pm – Venue: Hidalgo Park – Mixcoatl folkloric ballet from Aguascalientes
7:00pm – Venue: Muelle Street – Silence walk ” Catrinas y Catrines”
Music and Beer Festival
11:00pm – “Catrinas” Post party – Prizes for the best costumes
Sunday November 1st
10:00am – Venue: 5 de Diciembr Cementery – Religious ceremony
4:00pm – Venue: Lázaro Cárdenas Square- Little angels party, Pan de muerto exhibit and gathering
7:00pm – Xiutla folkloric ballet exhibit – Music and Beer Festival on Muelle Street
8:00pm – Screening “El libro de la vida”
Monday November 2nd
11:00am – Venue: Armas Square – Exhibit “Las Catrinas de Lupe” by Karla Moreno Producciones
11:30am – Venue: 5 de Diciembre Cementery – Parade “La Caravana de la Muerte”
7:00pm – Venue: Local Market – Gathering “Una noche de muertos en Puerto Vallarta”
7:30pm – Xiutla folkloric ballet exhibit ” Día de Muertos Special”
9:30pm – Catrinas contest award ceremony
10:00pm – Festival Closure
11:00pm – Fireworks
-Altar our Downtown Vallarta
-Art exhibit at OPC gallery
-Unguided tour Art Walk galleries
-Altar tour through the city
-Restaurant altar tour
-Flower carpet
– Decorated boats in honor of deceased captains
Win a Trip to Puerto Vallarta with Air Transat and FLARE
Watch the three Style Jaunt episodes in Puerto Vallarta for more chances to win! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFyyrgWmPrOQEDgX4FG006RYIC0Dr2Ahx
A promo code appears during each episode, giving you the possibility to get up to three bonus chances!
More details about the contest here: www.flare.com/stylejauntcontest
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WANT TO FLY TO PUERTO VALLARTA? Click here: http://www.transatholidays.com/en/The-South/Mexico/Puerto-Vallarta-Riviera-Nayarit?ID=PVR&type=destination&tmpl=GEN
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Air Transat is Canada’s leading holiday travel airline. Every year, it carries some 3 million passengers to nearly 60 destinations in 30 countries aboard its fleet of Boeing narrow-body and Airbus wide-body jets. The company employs approximately 2,000 people. Air Transat is a business unit of Transat A.T. Inc., an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. Air Transat was named Best North American Leisure Airline at the Skytrax annual World Airline Awards, held in July 2014.
For more than 35 years, FLARE has been Canada’s iconic fashion media brand, exploring world-class fashion and beauty inspiration from around the globe and here at home. Keeping style-minded readers in the know, FLARE offers not only stellar fashion and beauty content but also an intimate look into pop culture, celebrity, literature, travel and now food. A multiplatform brand, available on tablet and smartphone, in print and online, FLARE reaches more than 1.2 million readers with every issue, plus engages with 1 million followers through its digital community.
Todo un día de incertidumbre, y aun sigue sin terminar el operativo que se monto desde muy temprano en Villas Río en Puerto Vallarta, tres episodios de balaceras hasta el momento cada mas intensas, e
Manda tus fotos del centro de Vallarta / Send your downtown Puerto Vallarta photos
Disfruta Puerto Vallarta, ideas y paseos: http://bit.ly/DisfrutaPV
Enjoy PV, some ideas and plans: http://bit.ly/EnjoyingPV
#vallarta #puertovallarta #jalisco #whattodo #quehacer #mexico
Photo/Foto: Adán Mantecón Montes, http://on.fb.me/1QyblA5
Flyboard – Puerto Vallarta, ¿lo has probado? Have you tried it?
Diez mejores tours en Puerto #Vallarta, mas datos: http://bit.ly/10ToursPV
The 10 Best Tours in #PuertoVallarta, read more: http://bit.ly/Top10Tours
#activities #whattodo #quehacer #pv #pvr #jalisco #mexico #tours #paseos
Photo/Foto: Alberto Hernández, http://on.fb.me/1joTVLS