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Mexican Artisan Beer Increasingly Available in Puerto Vallarta

With summer heat on the rise, now is the time to sample some of the artisan beers increasingly crafted throughout Mexico, or to try a Michelada, a refreshing summer beverage made with cold beer and lime juice.

Sister City Santa Barbara's Rotary Projects in Puerto Vallarta

The Growth of Entertainment Stage Venues in Puerto Vallarta

Danita Delimont – Mexico – Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – SA13 DPB0823 – Douglas Peebles – Memory Book 12 x 12 inch (db_141464_2)

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – SA13 DPB0823 – Douglas Peebles Drawing Book is a great way to start sketching, drawing, designing, scrapbooking, or just jotting down your thoughts. This unique spiral bound book features a sublimated matte board cover and includes acid free blank bright white paper. A great alternative to the standard photo album or notebook. Perfect for use with crayons, markers, paints, pastels, stickers, pencils and pens. Great as a gift for any occasion. Enjoyed by all ages.

Product Features

  • 11.5 x 11.5 inches spiral bound hard covered
  • 1 inch twin loop wire binding spine
  • 35 pages, 11.4 x 11.2 inches – page thickness is 63lb cover
  • Acid free blank bright white non-coated paper
  • Pages lay flat when book is opened

1957 & 2015 Malecón de Puerto Vallarta, más:…

1957 & 2015
Malecón de Puerto Vallarta, más:
Puerto Vallarta #Malecon, more info:
#vallarta #puertovallarta #jalisco #mexico #elmalecon
Photo/Foto: C. Marshall / Google Streetview,

A Road Less Traveled

Exploring the banks of the Río Cuale is now easier than ever, thanks to a brand new sidewalk that has been placed along the river’s southern edge in Colonia Emiliano Zapata, one of Puerto Vallarta’s most popular neighborhoods.

Puerto Vallarta, esto y mucho más! Puerto…

Puerto Vallarta, esto y mucho más!
Puerto Vallarta is this and much more!
#puertovallarta #vallarta #jalisco #mexico,

Economic Life of Mexican Beach Vendors: Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, and Cabo San Lucas

Economic Life of Mexican Beach Vendors: Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, and Cabo San Lucas is based on interviews with 82 men and 84 women who vend their wares on beaches in three Mexican tourist centers. Assuming that some people may actively choose self-employment in the informal or semi-informal economy, the employment and educational aspirations of the vendors and their levels of satisfaction with their work are explored. Most of the vendors had other family members who were also vendors, and 75 (45.2 percent) had 5 or more family members who vended, most usually on Mexican beaches. The vendors are aware of the forces of globalization (though they do not express these forces in those words), as revealed by their responses to questions as to how the current world economic recession has affected them. The beach vendors live in essentially segregated neighborhoods that can be considered apartheid-like, far from the tourist zones.

Most of the vendors or their parents are rural-to-urban migrants and cross ethnic, linguistic, and economic borders as they migrate to and work in what have been called transnational social spaces. Of the vendors interviewed, 82 (49.4 percent) speak an indigenous language, and of these, 60 (73.2 percent) speak Nahuatl. The majority are from the state of Guerrero, but there were also Zapotec-speakers from Oaxaca. Both indigenous and non-indigenous women take part in beach vending. They are often wives, daughters, or sisters of male beach vendors, and they may be single, married, living in free union, or widowed. Their income is often of central importance to the household economy. This monograph aims to bring their stories to tourists and to scholars and students of tourism development and /or the informal or semi-informal economy in Mexican tourist centers.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition

A Day Pass for a Good Cause

Villa Mandarina, a spectacular oceanfront villa located in Puerto Vallarta’s scenic South Shore, is once again opening its doors to residents and visitors, so they can enjoy the property’s many amenities, for a good cause this Sunday, June 21.

Julio 2014… Saturday 26 to Friday 01

Welcome to our current PVMirror Blog published by Harvest Estudio.  Please remember that our July Articles are indexed below. If you are interested in advertising with us in our Blog, please click here. If you want to read about Puerto Vallata Local News this Week (Saturday 26 to July Friday 01)  please visit our Printed Version City Paper Website.

Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: [email protected] Many thanks and God bless you.

* The PVMirror Art Gallery Guide ©:

dante-homeGallería Dante Special 30% OFF Sale, to Celebrate 30 Years of Creation. – Yvan’s career as a painter had unconventional beginnings. At first, his artistic temperament drove him to music. From the age of 17, he traveled throughout Europe as a singer performer until his return to Montreal, many years later. But without the tradition of coffee shops & bars where one can sing, as in Paris, Yvan couldn’t make a decent living as a singer. So he started selling watercolours, door to door and on the street. This survival activity was the beginning of an unforeseen but fertile ground for his unique imagination. Read More


jaltemba-summerSurviving the Summer Heat in Jaltemba Bay – It’s hot and dusty in Los Ayala. Just how dusty you ask? Well, I dust our home every single morning and by mid-afternoon it looks like I have not dusted for at least a week. What’s the point? Read More by Christina Stobbs

jaltemba-tabachinIn Bloom: Tabachín – It’s nearly impossible not to notice the absolutely gorgeous brilliant reddish-orange flowers of the Tabachín trees dotted throughout the Jaltemba Bay area. The flowers start to bloom near the end of May and have five petals, one of which has distinctive white and yellow markings. The Tabachín is also known as Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant TreeRead More by Allyson Williams


* Exploring The South Column ©:
exploring-homeSeasons of Change in the Mayto Beach Area – Mayto beach and the surrounding areas are making the transition from spring to summer.  The seasonal tourists have headed back to their summer homes and the last signs of seasonal visitors are disappearing.  It is quiet and a good time to visit.  It has been a very dry season, so the first rains have been welcomedRead More


The PVMirror City Paper Weekly Edition: 
300-COVERFor Local News, please visit: our Weekly PVMirror City Paper Printed Version. Or if you prefer, please click here to visit This Week (Saturday 26 to Friday 01) edition. Welcome to Puerto Vallarta!

title-mexicomirrormexmirror-loscabosSay ‘I Do’ at the Most Sought After Destination Wedding Spots – On the Caribbean coast of Mexico, Cozumel sits off the Yucatan Peninsula and is a popular destination for scuba diving and snorkeling – and for destination weddings. A short flight south of California, Los Cabos (also known as Cabo) is a popular spot for destination weddings because of its logistical ease and stunning backdropsRead More by Yahoo Travel


* Gardening in Paradise:
Indian Comb – ( Pachycereus pecten) -aboriginum – With limited space in Ola Brisa Gardens, we’ve made difficult decisions about what plants to showcase.  Early on we decided to have only a few (and those for accent) cacti.  Hence, this huge beauty – the Indian Comb – does not presently grow here.  But who knows, one might ultimately find a home in the expansion area across the street! Read More by Tomy Clarkrson


* Viewpoint Column ©:
viepoint-homeA Look Back at the Housing Bubble Real Estate Markets– George Soros is a well-known Canadian businessman. He is a speculator. In 1992 he forced the British to crash and made a billion dollars. From his perspective, self-regulating forces in the free market don’t work. Financial markets tend towards excess. They work more like a wrecking ball than a pendulumRead More by Harriet Murray

Great News!… now you can list your property for sale on our Real Estate By-Onwer. Affordable and it runs until you sell. Contact us at: [email protected]



  • Publisher: Harvest Estudio Content Authors and Providers
  • Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: [email protected] Many thanks and God bless you.
  • To advertise with us please click here
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#2014 #activity #advertising #After #age #Alegre #Allyson Williams #Also #Area #areas #art gallery #Articles #artistic temperament #AUTHORS #Back #Banderas #Banderas Bay #bars #bay #Beach #beauty #brilliant reddish-orange flowers #Cabo #California #Canadian #Caribbean coast #Celebrate #change #City #City Paper Website #City Paper Weekly #click #coast #coffee #coffee shops #contact #Costa #Costa Alegre #Cozumel #creation #current PVMirror Blog #decent living #Destination #Destination Wedding Spots #destination weddings. #difficult decisions #diving #dollars #door #dry season #Early #Edition #Edition. Welcome #Email #end #Estate #Estudio Content Authors #Europe #expansion area #fertile ground #financial markets #first #Flamboyant Tree. Read #Flight #flowers #Free #free market #Friday #from #Gallería Dante Special #Gardening #Gardens #God #Good #Good time #great news #Ground #Guide #H.R. #Harriet #Harvest Estudio. #Harvest Estudio Content #Have #Heat #here. #home #homes #Housing #huge beauty #Indian Comb #information #Jaltemba Bay #Jaltemba Bay area #Julio #July #like #limited space #list #living #local #Local News #logistical ease #look #Los Ayala #Los Cabos #Make #many #market #Markets #Markets- George Soros #Mayto Beach Area #MEXICO #more #morning #most #Murray Great News #Music #News #n’t work #of... #Ola Brisa Gardens #Only #orange #Pachycereus #painter #Paper Printed Version #Paradise #Paris #pendulum. #perspective #petals #photos #plants #Please #point #Popular #popular destination #popular spot #prefer #Printed Version #property #Providers #Publisher #Puerto #Puerto Vallarta #Puerto Vallata Local #PVMirror Art Gallery #PVMirror City Paper …………………………………………………………………………… Many thanks #rains #Real #real estate #Real Estate By-Onwer. #remember #Responsible Journalism #return #Riviera #Riviera Nayarit #Royal #Royal Poinciana #sale #Saturday #scuba #scuba diving #se? #season #seasonal tourists #seasonal visitors #self-regulating forces #Sell #shops #Short #short flight south #Showcase #signs #singer #single morning #snorkeling #south #South Column #space #Special #speculator #Spot #Spring #Stobbs In Bloom #stories #street #stunning backdrops. #Summer #Summer Heat #summer homes #surrounding areas #survival activity #Surviving #Tabachín trees #Thanks #time #Tomy Clarkrson #tourists #Towards #tradition #Travel #Traveled #unconventional beginnings #unique imagination. Read #Until #Vallarta #version #Version City Paper #very #Viewpoint Column #Visit #visitors #watercolours #website #Wedding #weddings #Week #Weekly #Weekly PVMirror City #Welcome #well-known Canadian businessman #White #work #wrecking ball #Yahoo Travel #years #yellow markings #you. #Yucatan #Yucatan Peninsula #Yvan’s career