See on – Puerto Vallarta
Despite some negative publicity last month, cruise passengers continue to flock to the popular Mexican destination.
More on Puerto Vallarta at
Since 1996, the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group has provided a home for authors published, self-published, and aspiring. This year, the PVWG has created an anthology of its writers’ best short stories. Included in this eclectic collection, you will find winners and losers, murderers and victims, talking dogs and terrified children, fairy tales and love stories, whimsy, comedy, and outright horror. In other words, the whole panoply of what it means to be human. (Even the dog) The stories are about evenly divided between authors who have been published before, and those who are seeing their work in publication for the first time. We believe that they are all excellent, and we invite you to read them for yourself. We promise an enjoyable reading experience. All proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Los Mangos Library in Puerto Vallarta
Mexico enthusiast and veteran travel writer Bruce Whipperman knows the best way to experience Puerto Vallarta, from dining at new restaurants in De Santos and Xitomate to snorkeling in the Bay of Matanchén. Whipperman includes unique trip ideas like Eight Hours in Puerto Vallarta (a walking tour ideal for cruise travelers) and Five-Day Best of Puerto Vallarta. Packed with information on dining, transportation, and accommodations, Moon Puerto Vallarta has lots of options for a range of travel budgets. Every Moon guidebook includes recommendations for must-see sights and many regional, area, and city-centered maps. Complete with details on Puerto Vallarta’s gay scene, the best beaches, shopping for Huichol crafts, and a Four Color section, Moon Puerto Vallarta gives travelers the tools they need to create a more personal and memorable experience. With expert writers, first-rate strategic advice, and an essential dose of humor, Moon guidebooks are the cure for the common trip.
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