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Lifetime Journeys: Explore Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta is best described as culture, food and diverse scenery. This day-by-day journey is full of unique excursions and 41 color photos. Get exclusive reviews on some fabulous restaurant options. Should you travel to the Pacific side of Mexico or the Gulf side? Find out why travelers looking for adventure and great food love this town.

Jalisco… Algo contigo con Ximena Navarrete | Puerto Vallarta (Turismo México)

Canción: Algo contigo Interpreta: Paty Cantú Jalisco… Algo contigo es un viaje producido por Maz México en las paradisiacas playas de Puerto Vallarta.

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Fiesta Americana Puerto Vallarta (ENG)

The charm and the warmth of this destination make Fiesta Americana Puerto Vallarta All Inclusive one of the most attractive hotels in Bahía de Banderas.The beautiful contemporary Mexican architect…

August 2014… Saturday 16 to Friday 22

Welcome to our current PVMirror Blog published by Harvest Estudio.  Please remember that our August Articles are indexed below. If you are interested in advertising with us in our Blog, please click here. If you want to read about Puerto Vallata Local News this Week (Saturday 16 to Friday 22)  please visit our Printed Version City Paper Website.

Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: [email protected] Many thanks and God bless you.

jaltemba-roadBack Roads of Nayarit: Trip to Punta Raza – It’s another beautiful day in paradise. That being Rincón de Guayabitos, in the state of Nayarit, Mexico. My traveling companion Vicky, and I, have decided to check out an area that is not all that far from Guayabitos. Although I have been there numerous times, I have never made a thorough exploration. This is also a place is known by only a few gringos. Vicky thinks that this is unfair because it is near and very beautiful. Sooo… here it is. Read More by Bob Howell


New Puerto Vallarta-Guadalajara Highway to be Completed in 2017 – The construction of the Jala-Bahía de Banderas Highway has advanced 33%, however, it will not be finished until 2017, informed the delegate of the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT) in Jalisco, Bernardo Gutiérrez Navarro. Read More by The Jaltemba Bay Team

jaltemba-maleconLa Peñita Malecón One Year Later – During the past year, the new malecón has become a popular gathering place and well-used destination for both locals and tourists alike. Many events have already taken place here – including art shows, the staging area for a women’s beach volleyball tournament, weight lifting contests, a biathlon and even kite flying demonstrations – and many more events are on the drawing board. Read More by David Thompson

jaltemba-impulsarteIMPULSARTE Program Continues to Help Local Students Thrive – IMPULSARTE “expandiendo mentes” (expanding minds) is a social program funded by teacher JAVIER CARRILLO in order to promote culture and the arts in public school children in vulnerable communities. It is certainly a very important tool that is paying-off highly not only to promote art and make beautiful works by students through their methods, but is also making gains in the values of the student, such as SELF-ESTEEM, INTEGRATION, PERCEBTIBILITY, VISUAL ACUITY, CONCENTRATION, MOTOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT, ETC. Read More by Jaltemba Bay


 * Exploring The South Column ©:

exploring-homeDiscover the Fishing Village of Tehuamixtle – Just two hours south of Puerto Vallarta by car is the sleepy little fishing village of Tehuamixtle. Tehua, as it is known by locals, sits in a little cove surrounded by cliffs. The waters of Tehua Bay are clear and calm, with a gentle sand beach that is perfect for swimming. Read More by John Van Dyke


The PVMirror City Paper Weekly Edition: 
303-COVERFor Local News, please visit: our Weekly PVMirror City Paper Printed Version. Or if you prefer, please click here to visit This Week (Saturday 16 to Friday 22) edition. Welcome to Puerto Vallarta!


* Gardening in Paradise:
Nature-HomeFlame Tree (Delonix regia) – This absolute stunner goes by some other names as well. In Spanish, it is sometimes called the Arbol de Fuego – Tree of Fire. And in Mexico, Costa Rica and parts of Central America it is often referred to as Malinche. This was the name of an Indian girl who was said to be so beautiful that she persuaded Hernan Cortez to spare her people from extermination by his conquistadors. Read More by Tomy Clarkrson


* Viewpoint Column ©:
Marketing of Real Estate – Prior to listing the property, the listing agent should evaluate the comparable sales pertinent to the real estate he/she is proposing to market. Important considerations to help find a buyer for the property include analysis of: actual sales prices, asking prices, condition of properties, the qualities of the neighborhood and the community where the real estate is located. Read More by Harriet Murray

Great News!… now you can list your property for sale on our Real Estate By-Onwer. Affordable and it runs until you sell. Contact us at: [email protected]



  • Publisher: Harvest Estudio Content Authors and Providers
  • Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: [email protected] Many thanks and God bless you.
  • To advertise with us please click here
  • Responsible Journalism

#2014 #absolute stunner #actual sales prices #advertising #Agent #Alegre #Also #analysis #Arbol #Area #art shows #Articles #arts #August #AUTHORS #Back #Banderas #Banderas Bay #Banderas Highway #bay #Bay  * Exploring #Beach #beach volleyball #beach volleyball tournament #beautiful #beautiful works #Bernardo Gutiérrez Navarro #biathlon #Board #Bob #Bob Howell #buyer #calm #car #Central #Central America #children #City #City Paper Website #City Paper Weekly #Clear #click #cliffs #Communications #community #Companion #companion Vicky #comparable sales pertinent #condition #conquistadors #construction #contact #Cortez #Costa #Costa Alegre #Costa Rica #Culture #current PVMirror Blog #David #delegate #Delonix regia #Destination #Discover #Edition #Edition. Welcome #Email #Estate #Estudio Content Authors #ETC. Read #events #extermination #Fire #Fishing #fishing village #Flame Tree #flying #Friday #from #Fuego #gains #Gardening #gentle sand beach #girl #God #great news #Gringo's #Guadalajara #Guayabitos #H.R. #Harriet #Harvest Estudio. #Harvest Estudio Content #Have #help #Hernan Cortez #highway #Important considerations #important tool #Including #Indian girl #information #INTEGRATION #Jala-Bahía #Jalisco #Jaltemba Bay #Jaltemba Bay Team #John Van Dyke #Kite #kite flying demonstrations #La Peñita Malecón #list #listing agent #little cove #little fishing village #local #Local News #Local Students #locals #Make #Malinche #many #market #Marketing #Mentes #methods #MEXICO #Ministry #more #MOTOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT #Murray Great News #names #Neighborhood #new malecón #new Puerto Vallarta #New Puerto Vallarta-Guadalajara #News #numerous times #of... #Only #Paper Printed Version #Paradise #parts #past #people #PERCEBTIBILITY #photos #place #Please #Popular #popular gathering place #prefer #prices #Printed Version #program #properties #property #Providers #public #public school children #Publisher #Puerto #Puerto Vallarta #Puerto Vallata Local #Punta Raza #PVMirror City Paper …………………………………………………………………………… Many thanks #Real #real estate #Real Estate By-Onwer. #remember #Responsible Journalism #Rincón #Riviera #Riviera Nayarit #road. #sale #sales #Saturday #school #school children #SCT #se? #Sell #sleepy little fishing #Social #social program #Some #south #South Column #Spanish #staging area #State #stories #students #swimming #teacher JAVIER CARRILLO #Tehua Bay #Tehuamixtle #Thanks #Thompson IMPULSARTE Program #thorough exploration #times #to... #Tomy Clarkrson #tourists #Tournament #Transport #TRIP #Until #Vallarta #Van Dyke #version #Version City Paper #very #Viewpoint Column #village #Visit #VISUAL ACUITY #Volleyball #vulnerable communities #waters #website #Week #Weekly #Weekly PVMirror City #weight lifting contests #Welcome #well-used destination #Women #works #Year #you.

Moon Puerto Vallarta: Including the Nayarit & Jalisco Coasts (Moon Handbooks)

Local writer Justin Henderson and seasoned travel author Bruce Whipperman know the best way to experience Puerto Vallarta—from dining at new restaurants in De Santos and Xitomate to snorkeling in the Bay of Matanchén. Packed with expert advice on dining, transportation, and accommodations, Moon Puerto Vallarta has options for a range of travel budgets. Including tips on the best beaches, local outdoor recreation, and places to shop for Huichol crafts, as well as brand new photographs, Moon Puerto Vallarta gives travelers the tools they need to create a more personal and memorable experience.

This ebook and its features are best experienced on iOS or Android devices and the Kindle Fire.



Coast Lines: Short Stories from the Puerto Vallarta Writers group

Since 1996, the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group has provided a home for authors published, self-published, and aspiring. This year, the PVWG has created an anthology of its writers’ best short stories. Included in this eclectic collection, you will find winners and losers, murderers and victims, talking dogs and terrified children, fairy tales and love stories, whimsy, comedy, and outright horror. In other words, the whole panoply of what it means to be human. (Even the dog) The stories are about evenly divided between authors who have been published before, and those who are seeing their work in publication for the first time. We believe that they are all excellent, and we invite you to read them for yourself. We promise an enjoyable reading experience. All proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Los Mangos Library in Puerto Vallarta

Mexico Puerto Vallarta Riu Jalisco March 2015

We had a wonderful time in Mexico at the Puerto Vallarta Riu Jalisco Resort, Sue, my sister Lise, brother in law Donald and I have lots of good memories of this Mexican trip!!! Take a break,…