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Local Band Raises Testicular Cancer Awareness

Local rock band Santo Desmind has decided to combine testicular cancer awareness with promotion of their first CD, Cielito Lindo, through a series of free performances that will take place in Puerto Vallarta this weekend.

Extraños sucesos en playas de puerto vallarta.

Todo lo que necesitas para ser feliz es ver como este perrito prueba por primera vez el limon.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin Spend Family Spring Break Together

See on Scoop.itPuerto Vallarta

The friendly exes vacation with their kids, Apple and Moses, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

PuertoVallarta‘s insight:

See on

Expatriates in Mexico-Interviews and Narratives (Mexico First Hand)

You have questions about living in Mexico? Who would you ask? You would want to communicate with people living in Mexico or those who have lived there for a reasonable period of time.

This book is an attempt to answer some of the recurring questions. The answers are from participants living in various parts of Mexico. The mainland is represented as are communities on the Baja Peninsula.

Finally, we would refer our readers to a Social Networking website dedicate to retireess in Mexico at, There are over 1500 members who would gladly answer questions about their adoptive communities.

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Mexico Vacations: Which Puerto Vallarta Neighborhood is Right For You?

MAXIMUM Wobble: Puerto Vallarta Outtakes and extra’s

White hot outtakes and extra footage from the wild happenings in Puerto Vallarta from the Maximum Wobble Puerto Vallarta Part 1 DVD as seven sexy girls compete in a series of physical challenges south of the border to be crowned the new MAXIMUM WOBBLE girl. All well endowed, the girls engage in X-Treme sports topless attempting to bounce their way to victory.

We follow the girls both during the competition and behind the scenes as they complete and play hard in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.’s standard return policy will apply.


Diversos turistas y residentes optaron por tomar fotografías y videos al fenómeno que ocurrió este 27 de agosto de 2014 cuando un alto oleaje propició un atípico espectáculo denominado…

¡Bienvenidos a Puerto Vallarta!…

¡Bienvenidos a Puerto Vallarta!
Welcome to Puerto #Vallarta!
#puertovallarta #pvr #jalisco #mexico #pv #travel #vacation,

Alaska Air Launches Fare Sale from Orange County to Puerto Vallarta