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Bad Accounts

Top notch accountant Pia might have suspected her bosses of cooking the books, but when you’re fifty-two and jobs are scarce, it’s easy to look the other way. Or it is until you find out that your employers might be managing the finances of a drug cartel, right there in your hometown. Stealing a few files to implicate her bosses seemed like a good idea… until Pia finds a gun in her front yard, apparently dropped by an inept hitman.

Maybe she should have listened to Brad and quit her job instead of absconding with the incriminating documents. But it’s too late for regrets now, and she’s a marked woman. Luckily for Pia, Brad puts his surfing on hold long enough to help get her out of town and down to Ocean Beach. Unfortunately, that might not be enough. Crossing the border into Mexico may be the only answer.

From Monterey, California all the way to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, aging gangsters, bungling rent-a-cops, and an out-of-his-element hitman, thwart Pia’s every move. But with the help of a few surfers and their friends, she’s determined to not only stay alive, but to see the drug cartel shut down once and for all.

Balacera en Puerto Vallarta ; Abaten a “El Comander” líder del CJNG

Balacera en Puerto Vallarta ; Abaten a “El Comander” líder del CJNG.

Mañana en el Malecón / Morning on the Malecon Más datos sobre el…

Mañana en el Malecón / Morning on the Malecon
Más datos sobre el Malecón haga click en:
For more photos, videos and info on the #Malecon visit:
#vallarta #puertovallarta #jalisco #mexico #elmalecon #losarcos #arcos #aquilesserdan
Photo/Foto: Hotel Rio Puerto Vallarta.,

Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board Confirms NATJA 2015 Conference

WanderLustLost: The Treasure Trail Chronicles

‘WonderLustLost/The Treasure Trail Chronicles’

Urban Dictionary defines a treasure trail as the line of hair that begins just below a man’s chest, runs down the middle of the abdomen and leads to the pubic region. México is home to many such exotic trails. This is a tale of those trails sometimes taken.

When I moved to México right after Christmas in 1991, I was following a dream I had had since first visiting the country (outside of U.S. border towns) in 1983. I fell in love with Puerto Vallarta within moments of stepping off the plane. The time seemed right for the move. The workload in our office was dwindling, I was tired of the fast paced USian lifestyle, and, more, fed up with the U.S. politick.

Being a gay man, and seemingly giving off ‘the scent’ that just about every Tomas, Ricardo and Haroldo picked up on (be they straight, bisexual or gay), and sometimes not too bright and/or way too trusting, led me on several ‘misadventures’ these last 20+ years that I have called México my home away from home. This is the story of some of my infatuations and loves, mainly good, but with several bad ‘manzanas’ tossed into the barrel. Because of these bad apples, the wanderlust I first felt when I arrived that late afternoon of that long ago December, became somewhat lost, tarnished and damaged over the intervening years, but always salvageable.

I didn’t know when I first arrived in Vallarta that ten years later, my dream of living in Paradise would turn into a nightmare when I was thrown in the pokey for three days on the false, set-up assumption I was the ‘jefe’ (ringleader/chief) of a produce pilfering gang.

Needless to say this ‘pokey event’ (the main focus of my tale) ended up changing my plans, direction and ideas of what I thought was the Perfect Paradise Found rather drastically.

Pata Salada-ization – Social Networking in Vallarta

The Internet as a Social Introduction to Puerto Vallarta Pata Salada is a colloquial term used to identify people who live in Puerto Vallarta. Literally it means “salt leg.” One of the first hurdles facing many people visiting or moving from one culture to another is a lack of familiar reference points or a diminishing […]

Puerto Vallarta Mexico 2015

Escandalo !!!

Buenos días Puerto Vallarta / Good morning PV Centro de…

Buenos días Puerto Vallarta / Good morning PV
Centro de #Vallarta
Downtown #PuertoVallarta
#parish #downtown #jalisco #mexico
Photo/Foto: Alberto Hernández,

Vanished In Vallarta: A Bradford Fairfax Murder Mystery (The Bradford Fairfax Murder Mystery Series) (Volume 3)

On assignment in the famed Mexican resort town, gay caballero Bradford Fairfax discovers he has far more to worry about than sand fleas and la turista. When a sultry diva sends out a distress signal, Brad answers the call. But why won’t his boss, the shadowy Grace, tell him why he’s really in PV? When a fellow agent gets blown away passing on top-secret information, Brad has no idea where to turn. Suddenly everyone seems unusually suspicious. Or suspiciously unusual. And what’s a boy to do when his former partner in espionage—a.k.a. Little Wing—returns from the dead looking sexier than any corpse should be allowed to look? Will Brad let the past disrupt his relationship with the erstwhile and eternally sexy, blue-haired Zachary Tyler or will he beat a hasty retreat and nurse his broken heart under a coconut palm, saying ¡Adiós muchacho! to an old flame once again?

Spring Break MSU Puerto Vallarta 2015

Music: Runaway (U & I) Galantis Best week ever on spring break in Puerto Vallarta #PV GoPro Hero 3 Silver edition.