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Graban Fuerte Balacera en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco deja 1 Militar Muerto [Febrero 2015]

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.. De acuerdo a la información obtenida elementos de la Fiscalía de Jalisco ubicaron a gente armada en el conjunto habitacional Villa…

VII Vallarta Wine Fest – 2015 Puerto Vallarta Event Calendar

See on Scoop.itPuerto Vallarta

March 18-24, 2015: A celebration that honors wine. Each year a different country is invited to honor and learn from their wine history, experience, trade and creations. Seventh edition. More info:

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PuertoVallarta‘s insight:

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Puerto Vallarta Street Map

Detailed street map, in Spanish, of this popular resort town in Mexico. Includes street index.

Puerto Vallarta Events: February 22 – Mar 1

the Puerto Vallarta DAILY CALENDAR February 22, 2015 Updated February 23, 2 pm The Puerto Vallarta Daily Schedule of Events is continually updated. Last-minute additions and corrections are frequent. Click on most listings for more information about individual events. SUNDAY February 22 VIA RECREACTIVA — 8 am to 2 pm. From the Sports Stadium to […]

Nibiru 2 Suns PUERTO VALLARTA Mexico Second Sun in PLAIN SIGHT

Nibiru Visible at 18.56 Pacific Time THE DESTROYER – Nibiru …

Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta

Cruel enfrentamiento en Puerto Vallarta

Buenos días desde PV / Good morning from Puerto Vallarta. Muelle…

Buenos días desde PV / Good morning from Puerto Vallarta.
Muelle Los Muertos
Los Muertos Pier
#vallarta #puertovallarta #losmuertos #playa #beach #mexico #jalisco
Photo/Foto: Claude Breault,

What To Do In…Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

When you finally make the time for a vacation, you don’t have the time to waste searching through websites for things to do and places to eat. You don’t have the time to waste on a bad meal or an activity no one will enjoy.

On your next vacation, use this guide to Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico to help you find some spots mostly off the beaten path, spots that locals know, but are unknown to most tourists. These are activities and eateries that are well worth making the time and money for. This guide book (and others in the series) will give you some fun and economical places to visit. Many of them will be places you might have heard of, but I always try to visit the out-of-the-way and forgotten spots too. The other half of the book will focus on places to eat, “mom and pop” places or little “dives” that most tourists might skip. My top focus is on delicious eats, but ambiance will come a close second.

I will also include a bit of history and some fun trivia. Hopefully, you’ll find all you need to have the trip of a lifetime. If you like this volume, check out my other titles with reviews for locations all over the world.

This print book makes the perfect travel companion–it’s slim enough to slip inside your luggage, purse, or pocket. And, there are some extra pages at the end to record your own adventures. The Kindle version can be downloaded to your device and read on the go. Plus, it has links to the locations in the book for your convenience.

All books can be ordered through Amazon, either printed or on Kindle. Another option is to visit my website,, or my travel blog,, where a different locale is featured bimonthly.