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Welcome 2015!…

Welcome to our current PVMirror Blog published by Harvest Estudio.  Please remember that our January Articles are indexed below. If you are interested in advertising with us in our Blog, please click here. If you want to read about Puerto Vallata Local News this Week  please visit our Printed Version City Paper Website.

Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: [email protected] Many thanks and God bless you.


galleriadante-luisvalui-homeGalería Dante Presents Luis Valui – January 23rd. – Luis Castellanos Valui, born in Guadalajara in 1955, is a painter who infuses his Latin American roots with the traditions of tropical jazz and cafe culture. He studied for two years at the Fine Arts University in Guadalajara. At the age of 20 he moved to Mexico City where he studied at the “Esmeralda” school. Read More


jaltemba-lodemarcosDiscover Lo de Marcos, Nayarit, Mexico – Lo de Marcos is a standout town among the villages in Bahía de Banderas (Bay of Banderas) and is known for its peaceful and relaxing nature. While many of the neighboring towns have evolved into hustle and bustle tourist destinations. Read More by Jaltemba Bay Life

jaltemba-sanblasNew Malecón in San Blas Announced – In a recent press release, the Director of the Maritime and Port Authority, Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa, announced plans for the construction of a boardwalk (malecón) in the Historic Port of San Blas, Riviera Nayarit, Mexico. Read More by Riviera Nayarit CVB

jaltemba-denguePreventing, Diagnosing and Treating Dengue Fever in Mexico – Since numerous cases of dengue were reported in and around the Jaltemba Bay area last season, we thought it was important to share this information in our newsletter and our blog for both locals and visitors to read. Read More by Jaltemba Bay Life


* Exploring The South Column ©:
exploring-homeThere is a reason why birds go south in the winter – Depending on where you are, you may be feeling the chill of winter. It is a good time to pack the shorts and bikini and head south. Plan a vacation, or spend the season, and discover the beauty of Mexico. Puerto Vallarta is a great destination to get the chill off and little color back in your life, and they are getting ready for youRead More by John Van Dyke


* Gardening in Paradise:
Roots-homeGout Plant – Just like some uninhibited, life-loving, young, co-ed collegians, this smallish, deciduous tropical shrub is an exuberant, year ‘round bloomer. Though in the Euphorbia family, it is like Patty and me otherwise in that this easy to get along with character loves all manner of tropical life! Perhaps, more importantly, those with a brown thumb can appreciate that it requires limited attention, virtually no water and actually expects to dry out between waterings! Read More by Tomy Clarkson


The PVMirror City Paper Weekly Edition: For Local News, please visit: our Weekly PVMirror City Paper Printed Version. Or if you prefer, please click here to visit This Week Edition. Welcome to Puerto Vallarta!


* Viewpoint Column ©:
Viewpoint - Home What is Our Real Estate Market in The Bay of Banderas for 2015? – We have ended 2014 with expectations for a better New Year than in years past. We see increased interest in renting, buying and retiring in Mexico. Our current visibility to the world is more positive than not. With the peso at 15 compared to the US dollar, we see increased sales of exports and more tourism. The economy of Mexico is stronger than this current peso rate to the dollar really shows. Read More by Harriet Murray

Great News!… now you can list your property for sale on our Real Estate By-Onwer. Affordable and it runs until you sell. Contact us at: [email protected]



  • Publisher: Harvest Estudio Content Authors and Providers
  • Please remember that if you want to join in and share information, stories or photos of Costa Alegre, Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and/or Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, please email them to: [email protected] Many thanks and God bless you.
  • To advertise with us please click here
  • Responsible Journalism

#2014 #2015 #advertising #age #Alegre #American #Announced #Area #around #Articles #arts #attention #AUTHORS #Back #Banderas #Banderas Bay #bay #Bay Life New #beauty #better #better New #Bikini #Birds #Blas #boardwalk #brown thumb #bustle tourist destinations #Cafe #cafe culture #cases #character #City #City Paper Website #City Paper Weekly #click #co-ed collegians #color #construction #contact #Costa #Costa Alegre #Culture #current peso rate #current visibility #current PVMirror Blog #deciduous tropical shrub #Destination #destinations #director #Discover #Discover Lo #dollar #Edition #Edition. Welcome #Email #Estate #Estudio Content Authors #Euphorbia family #expectations #Expects #Family #feeling #Fine #Fine Arts University #Gardening #Getting #God #Good #Good time #Gout Plant #great news #Guadalajara #Guillermo Ruiz #H.R. #Harriet #Harvest Estudio. #Harvest Estudio Content #Have #head #Historic Port #information #is... #Jaltemba Bay #Jaltemba Bay area #Jaltemba Bay Life #January #Jazz #John Van Dyke #Latin American roots #life #like #list #little color #local #Local News #locals #Luis #Luis Castellanos Valui #many #market #MEXICO #Mexico City #more #Murray Great News #nature #new malecón #News #numerous cases #of... #Pack #painter #Paper Printed Version #Paradise #past #PESO #photos #Plan #plans #Please #Port Authority #prefer #Presents #Presents Luis Valui #Printed Version #property #Providers #Publisher #Puerto #Puerto Vallarta #Puerto Vallata Local #PVMirror City Paper …………………………………………………………………………… Many thanks #rate #Real #real estate #Real Estate By-Onwer. #real estate market #reason #recent press release #remember #Responsible Journalism #Retiring #Riviera #Riviera Nayarit #Riviera Nayarit CVB #sale #sales #San Blas Announced #school #season #Sell #Some #south #South Column #Spend #standout town #stories #Thanks #the... #time #to... #Tomy Clarkson #TOURISM #tourist #tourist destinations #Town #towns #Treating Dengue Fever #Tropical #tropical jazz #tropical life #University #Until #Vacation #Vallarta #Van Dyke #version #Version City Paper #Viewpoint Column #Visit #visitors #water #website #Week #Weekly #Weekly PVMirror City #Welcome #What is #winter #world #Year #years #you. #‘round bloomer

Moon Puerto Vallarta: Including the Nayarit & Jalisco Coasts (Moon Handbooks)

This full-color guide to Puerto Vallarta includes vibrant photos and helpful planning maps.

Local writer Justin Henderson and seasoned travel author Bruce Whipperman know the best way to experience Puerto Vallarta—from dining at new restaurants in De Santos and Xitomate to snorkeling in the Bay of Matanchén. Packed with expert advice on dining, transportation, and accommodations, Moon Puerto Vallarta has options for a range of travel budgets. Including tips on the best beaches, local outdoor recreation, and places to shop for Huichol crafts, as well as brand new photographs, Moon Puerto Vallarta gives travelers the tools they need to create a more personal and memorable experience.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition

AMLO – Conferencia situación socioeconómica y política de México – Puerto Vallarta – @NuevaRepublica Andrés Manuel López Obrador ]]Presidente del Consejo Nacional del Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (MORENA) en …


Sábado 3 de Enero del 2015.

Puerto Vallarta Fireworks Happy New Year 2015

Puerto Vallarta Fireworks Happy New Year 2015.

Los Recoditos En vivo Desde Puerto Vallarta 2015

El Sabado 3 Se Presenta La Banda Ms, Los Recoditos, Banda Zagal, Banda Movil Entre Otros En Puerto Vallarta Con Alrrededor De 10 Mil Personal. Síguenos En Fa…

Banda Ms – A Lo Mejor / Desde Puerto Vallarta 2015

Síguenos En Facebook Como: La banda ms, los recoditos, banda zagal, banda móvil entre otras mas, Se presentaron e…

Banda Ms – No Me Pidas Perdon En Vivo Desde Puerto Vallarta 2015

Síguenos En Facebook Como: El Sabado 3 Se Presenta La Banda Ms, Los Recoditos, Banda Zagal, Banda Movil Entre Otros En Puerto Vallarta Con …

Banda Ms En Vivo Desde Puerto Vallarta 2015

Síguenos En Facebook Como: El Sabado 3 Se Presenta La Banda Ms, Los Recoditos, Banda Zagal, Banda Movil Entre Otros En Puerto Vallarta Con …

GDL Noticias – Puerto Vallarta festeja la llegada de 2015 con la clausura del Luminiafest

Más de 150 mil personas disfrutaron los primeros minutos del Año Nuevo entre luces multicolores que pintaron el cielo de Puerto Vallarta.