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Puerto Vallarta Real Estate Flourishes under Political Stability

Puerto Vallarta is known for its world class lifestyle and amenities. No wonder rich and famous from all over Americas come to Puerto Vallarta when they want to experience the best a vacation destination has to offer. Puerto Vallarta Real Estate region offers old world charm, exotic culture blending harmoniously with hi-end real estate developments and infrastructure.

Infrastructure development in Puerto Vallarta real estate region has seen continuous funds inflow and attention from political establishment and businesses alike. All facets of infrastructure like amenities, transportation, roads, malls and real estate in Puerto Vallarta can compete with the best not only in Mexico but also internationally.

A major factor in to this growth has been foresight of the city planners and support given to Puerto Vallarta region by the government at all levels. In view of the state’s importance in tourism and economy, the state of Jalisco was allotted 10 billion pesos from the federal budget. A major portion of these funds has been earmarked for Jalisco’s roadwork development. Any real estate development in any part of the world depends on how easily accessible is the location. Hence, Puerto Vallarta Real Estate will be a major beneficiary due to road and highway development. In addition, 48 million pesos will be allocated o public works projects in regions of Puerto Vallarta and Nuevo Vallarta. Since, this areas are two of the most prominent destinations in Mexico, the real estate sector and tourism region will get even more fillip in the years to come.

On the cultural front also, the region received funds which will go a long way in development of University Culture Center and a Bicentennial Museum in Guadalajara.

This shows the level of commitment and faith shown by the government to this key region. This has enabled Puerto Vallarta to upgrade itself as a world class destination. For foreign investors willing to put their money in Mexico, specifically Puerto Vallarta, this is especially important. When a region like Puerto Vallarta receives attention from government then it also increase shareholders and investors confidence. This in turn spurs large scale investment and growth. As a home buyer also, you can derive a sense of security that the dream second home or retirement condo you are buying will be safe and will provide good ROI for years to come.

Your beachfront condo in Puerto Vallarta is within your reach. Check out the listings of Puerto Vallarta Beachfront Condos, plan correctly to Finance Puerto Vallarta Condo Homes, and plan for a beautiful future today. Contact Tom Budniak for insight into this booming market.

Bahia De Banderas and Puerto Vallarta to have same time zone

Its always difficult when a timezone splits a region in two that should naturally function at the same time and this week Mexico’s senate approved Bahia De Banderas and Puerto Vallarta to have the same time zone. Here is the artilce from VirtualVallarta:

Mexico’s Senate approved the amendments to the Mexican Schedule System that will allow Bahía de Banderas and Puerto Vallarta to share the same time zone, such that both will soon be governed by Central time.This initiative was prompted by Nayarit Senator Raul Mejia who filed it on December 13, 2007, for analysis.

According to Senator Raul Mejia, residents of our neighboring municipality are affected on their daily life and economic activity by the time difference between them and our city. The time change will become effective once it is published in the Mexican Official Gazette.

Condo rentals in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta more Secure and Safer then ever

Safety and security of any city determines its reputation. A city with strong, friendly and committed police sends positive signal not only to the tourists and residents but also the investors who infuse capital into a city. Hence, it can be safely said that a city’s economic prosperity depends on its ability to provide security to its citizens and business community.

In real estate world, a locality’s crime rate is a major factor in its evaluation. Puerto Vallarta Real Estate is not an exception. Any US, Canadian or European citizen looking to invest or live in Puerto Vallarta first needs to be assured if the choice of investing in Puerto Vallarta property is sound or not. Puerto Vallarta real estate has an enviable record for safety and security of its residents and their property. Many expats reckon that Puerto Vallarta is in fact safer then their native countries. Moreover, Puerto Vallarta is much friendlier.

Puerto Vallarta’s security is handled by its competent police force currently headed by its new Chief of police, Javier Lopez Ruelas. The new chief is committed not only to maintain the current atmosphere of peace and tranquility but also to improving the professionalism and training in the force.

To make the of municipal police force of Puerto Vallarta Properties much more professional, Lopez has embarked on a new policy in which anybody aspiring to be a police officer, traffic officer, fireman, lifeguard or a member of Civil protection force will have to face stricter requirements and pass all courses with an average of at least 80. Lopez stated “we can count on the professionalism of our forces and the use of technology to provide better service to prevent and combat crime.”

It’s important to note that Lopez during his earlier stint as Director of the Regional Academy had followed the guidelines of the campus, applying National Public Security Plan. This means that the first generation of firefighters, lifeguards and civil defence received training which ensures that Puerto Vallarta real estate security is of highest standards.

Puerto Vallarta will be the hosting Pan American Games in 2011.With an eye on this big event, the first generation of traffic police and bike police is been currently trained for two and half months as police on duty and another two and a half months as certified sports paramedics.

Bike police and sports paramedics will have the crucial responsibility of monitoring and protecting the sport venues. Till date, 10 graduates of the academy occupy positions as firefighters, 23 as traffic patrols, six as Civil Protection, 10 as lifeguards and 23 as bike police officers.

Additionally, 171 new policemen are now been trained in various aspects like English skills, computers, general knowledge, first and human rights. This is especially important because Puerto Vallarta has become more cosmopolitan with increase in tourism and expats buying Puerto Vallarta real estate.

Your beachfront condo in Puerto Vallarta is within your reach. Check out the listings of Puerto Vallarta Beachfront Condos, plan correctly to Finance Puerto Vallarta Condo Homes, and plan for a beautiful future today.

Angels, devils and saints: Mexico’s most spirited religious festivals

I often stumble upon festivals through sheer serendipity while traveling around Mexico. The first encounter occurred during a solo week in Oaxaca in the 1980s. While sipping a beer at a sidewalk café one evening, I heard an astonishing clamor that brought me to my tiptoes. Devil faces were popping up over the hedges on the other side of the plaza. Drums, flutes and guitars played dueling harmonies.

Leaving beer and backpack behind (an act I wouldn’t recommend now), I rushed across the plaza and began photographing farmers bearing shrines on their shoulders and wizened ladies in black shawls carrying flowers and burning candles. The parade was a simple affair honoring a local patron saint, but its masked dancers and ear-rattling rockets fueled a desire to see every traditional religious celebration in Mexico.

I’ve come nowhere near fulfilling that dream, of course. But I have seen farcical puppets and gorgeously costumed dancers honor Saint Michael the Archangel in San Miguel de Allende. I’ve been jolted awake by midnight explosions in Mexico City only to find the neighbors beginning feast day celebrations. I’ve learned to steady my nerves and keep an eye out for angels, devils and saints.

Some religious festivals are national holidays and advance hotel reservations are essential at the festival’s home turf. Check Mexico’s official website for a comprehensive list of events. Here’s a sampling of significant religious festivals to whet your curiosity.

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12

The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City is Mexico’s most sacred site, said to be the second most visited Catholic site in the world (after Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican). Millions make their way to the Basilica on the Lady’s feast day — a crowd scene I’ve yet to brave. Instead, I visited the Basilica off-season and was able to leisurely tour the original 17th century church devoted to the Lady and the “new” Basilica constructed between 1974 and 1976. Abundant vendors sold holy cards, rosaries and other memorabilia as several pilgrims made their way up steep stairways to the old church on their knees. Despite the tacky souvenirs and Mexico City’s pervasive smog, the shrine felt special and sacred.

The UFO-shaped “new” basilica contains the cloak of Juan Diego, the peasant believed to have seen the manifestation of the Virgin Mary on a hillside in 1531. According to legend, the Virgin appeared to Juan Diego and told him to tell the Spanish bishop to build a church in her honor. To prove her existence, she had the peasant gather roses in his cloak for the bishop. When Juan Diego opened his cloak, the roses fell away and the image of the Virgin appeared in the garment, which now hangs in the Basilica.

Millions swarm the Basilica on December 12, while smaller commemorations take place all around the country. One year I followed boys wearing shirts with the virgin’s image to a procession at Puerto Vallarta’s Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Another time, while on Cozumel, I happened upon a parade passing a neighborhood church devoted to the Virgin. It’s nearly impossible to visit Mexico on December 12 without witnessing a celebration devoted to Mexico’s patron saint.

Semana Santa, March 31 to April 4, 2010

The week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday brings out a fondness for drama and suffering among Catholics all over Mexico. Elaborate Passion Plays are held in cities and small towns, with residents vying for the roles of Jesus and Mary and entire communities laboring over costumes and floats. The performances, which normally start on Holy Thursday and last through Easter Sunday, depict the Last Supper, Stations of the Cross, Crucifixion and Resurrection. The re-enactments tend to be solemn and intense, with the actors vividly depicting pain and cruelty.

The Tarahumara in the Copper Canyon are especially devoted to Semana Santa. Elaborately painted dancers from far-flung canyon villages gather to drum and whirl day and night from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday. The Passion Plays are particularly intense, with believers slaying Judas and actors faithfully copying Christ’s suffering. In Chiapas, residents build elaborate wooden structures depicting Judas and other hated figures and objects (politicians are especially reviled). After a lurid re-enactment of the Crucifixion, the figures are set afire as fireworks and sparks fill the air.

San Cristobal de las Casas is the epicenter of all religious and political festivals in Chiapas. Indigenous customs are vividly interspersed with Catholic ceremonies in nearby San Juan Chamula. Equally dramatic ceremonies take place in San Luis Potosí, while the performances are toned down in Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlán.

Semana Santa coincides with Spring Break and is a popular weeklong vacation time for Mexican families. Hotels are sold out months in advance at beach resorts and colonial cities. Book your rooms long before your trip.

The Romeria, October 12

Also known as the feast of Our Lady of Zapopan, the Romeria hasn’t yet become a tourist attraction. Instead, it draws nearly one million pilgrims from throughout the state of Jalisco to the Basilica of Our Lady of Zapopan near Guadalajara. They come to thank the Lady for miraculously preventing droughts, floods and other disasters and to ask for her continued beneficence.

As the story goes, the Lady first appeared in Zapopan as a straw medallion worn by a Franciscan missionary. During a fierce battle between Spanish conquistadors and native peoples in 1525, the friar held his charm over the battlefield and fighting ceased. Countless miracles have since been attributed to Our Lady of Zapopan, dubbed “the Pacifier.”

Barely a foot high, the Lady’s statue travels around Jalisco during the year as difficulties arise. She returns to the Basilica on her feast day, accompanied by fervent believers who crawl on their knees and sleep on sidewalks as the Lady’s statue travels through Guadalajara and on to the Basilica. On October 12, the people amass in Zapopan’s main plaza and cheer as the statue rides high on the shoulders of a chosen few faithful. Dozens of priests, nuns, bishops and novitiates greet the Lady and accompany her to her rightful place inside the Basilica. The dancing, feasting and fireworks continue over several days and nights. It’s nearly impossible to get to the plaza on October 12 and local hotels are packed and noisy. Your best bet is to stay in Guadalajara and hire a tour company to help you understand and appreciate the festivities.

Puerto Vallarta Condo rentals

#17th century church #2010 #Abundant vendors #Aces #actors #advance hotel reservations #After #Allende #Also #Angel #April #Archangel #around #astonishing clamor #backpack #basilica #Basilica off-season #Beach #beach resort #beach resorts #beer #believe #Best #best bet #black shawls #book #Boy #boys #Break #Cafe #candles #Casa #Casas #Catholic ceremonies #Catholic site #Catholics #Celebration #center #change #charm #Chiapas #Christ #Church of Our Lady #cities #City #cloak #colonial cities #come #company #comprehensive list #condo #condo rental #Condo rentals #conquistadors #cons #Continue #continued beneficence #Copper Canyon #Countless miracles #country #course #Cozumel #Cross #crowd #crowd scene #Crucifixion #cruelty #curiosity #customs #Dance #DANCING #day. #Days #desire #Devil #devils #down #Drama #dream #Drums #ear-rattling rockets #Easter Sunday #Elaborate Passion Plays #elaborate wooden structures #Elaborately painted dancers #encounter #end #entire communities #epicenter #Equally dramatic ceremonies #especial #Even... #evening #event #events #eye #faithful #families #far-flung canyon villages #farcical puppets #farmers #feast day celebrations #feasting #fervent believers #Festival #festivities #fierce battle #figures #fireworks #first #floats #floods #flowers #flutes #fondness #foot #form #friar #from #Full #Guadalajara #Guadalupe #guitars #H.R. #harmonies #Have #hedges #help #High #hills #hillside #Holiday #holidays #holy cards #home #home turf #HONOR #honor Saint Michael #HOTEL #image #Indigenous customs #Inside #is... #Jalisco #Jesus #Juan Diego #Judas #knees #ladies #Lady #Len #list #local #local hotels #local patron saint #Luis #lurid re-enactment #Main #main plaza #Make #manifestation #March #Mary #Más #Mazatl #Mazatlán #MEMO #Mexican #Mexican families #MEXICO #Mexico City #Mexico's #midnight #midnight explosions #MIGUEL #millions #miraculously preventing droughts #Miss #most #national holidays #native peoples #Neighborhood #neighborhood church #neighbors #Night #nights #noisy #Normal #novitiates #nuns #Oaxaca #objects #October #of... #official website #old church #Only #OPEN #over #Pacifier #Palm #Pan #para #parade #Part #passion #Passion Plays #patron saint #peasant gather #people #performances #Peter #pilgrims #place #Plaza #political festivals #politicians #Popular #popular weeklong vacation #process #procession #Puerto #Puerto Vallarta #Puerto Vallarta Condo #PV #re-enactments #Rentals #residents #Resort #Resorts #return #right #rightful place #Rock #Romeria #rooms #rosaries #roses #Saint #Saint Peter #saints #sampling #San Cristobal #San Juan Chamula #San Luis Potosi #San Miguel #santa #se? #sea #season #Second #semana #Semana Santa #sheer serendipity #shops #shoulder #shoulders #shrine #shrines #Side #sidewalk café #sidewalks #significant religious festivals #simple affair #Small #small towns #smaller commemorations #solo #Some #sorts #Spanish #Spanish bishop #Spanish conquistadors #Special #Spring #spring break #State #Stations #statue #stay #steady my nerves #steep stairways #story #straw medallion #structure #Sunday #Supper #tacky souvenirs #Tarahumara #the... #Thursday #time #tip #tiptoes #to... #tour company #tourist #tourist attraction #Town #towns #Traditional #traditional religious celebration #Travel #Travels #TRIP #UFO-shaped #Vacation #vacation time #Vallarta #Vallarta Condo rentals #Vallarta's #Vatican #Vendors #very #Villa #village #Virgin #Virgin Mary #Visit #Walk #way #website #Week #work #world #Year #you. #Zapopan

Travel in & arround Puerto Vallarta

It is rather easy for tourists to travel to Puerto Vallarta by air, sea or bus. After reaching Puerto Vallarta, a trip becomes enjoyable once you know a little about the fares for private rented cars, taxis and buses. Like shopping and tours, transport facilities too are cheap and accommodating. Outdoor activities and shopping carry much anticipation however traveling within the city, by public or private facilities is also part of the learning experience.

The Gustavo Díaz Ordaz International Airport is located only four miles away north of downtown. Flights go from Puerto Vallarta to San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, Los Angeles very often. Almost 450 flights arrive weekly in high season. From Dallas/Fort Worth, American Airlines flies very frequently. Aero Mexico, Delta Airlines, Continental Airlines and Alaska Airlines direct regular flights from the gateways in U.S and Mexico.

Reach Puerto Vallarta by Cruise and you will delight in the beautiful sights all along the coast. The Terminal Marítimo is docked with Carnival, Holland-America, Norwegian, Princess and Royal Caribbean. Travel to Puerto Vallarta on one of the luxury cruises and make a vacation more exciting starting from home only.

For a comfortable stay after reaching Puerto Vallarta you can rent a car also very easily. Make bookings with car rentals. A variety of vehicles are available for your convenience so that your trip is worth every penny you spend. Facilities such as a driver, air conditioned car etc all are easily available.

Traveling within Puerto Vallarta isn’t hard, once you know a little about the fares of the Taxi’s and the buses. Lately the Taxi syndicates have worked on keeping a uniform fare for all areas in Puerto Vallarta. Thus tourists can travel safely knowing that they will not be charged too much. In any case, tourists should take precautionary measures by negotiating about the rate before taking the taxi to avoid later arguments. For a few miles, the taxi should charge from 20 to 30 pesos which is comparatively cheap. In case you visit some restaurant do your own research before deciding the place. There are chances that the taxi driver will talk you into visiting some particular restaurant, because he gets commission for bringing tourists or it is owned by his friend.

Find a “parade” a bus stop and you will see that bus fares are even cheaper than Taxis in Puerto Vallarta. Buses maybe less convenient than taxis however, buses do offer some sights of Mexico that you may miss otherwise. Most of the buses are privately owned and will look rather unique to tourists. The gay and friendly atmosphere in the buses will amuse you as you travel more. If you are lucky you may discover sights and sounds of Puerto Vallarta on these local vehicles when entertainers and singers board the bus. Tip them if are amused with some typical bohemian music or a cultural Mexican song. You may even get a chance to savor the variety of gums and chocolates on these local buses. These candies carry a Mexican flavor that you will remember and may even take as a souvenir.

For more information on rental properties in Puerto Vallarta, also abbreviated as PV, contact Puerto Vallarta Rentals at the following numbers. 612-424-5445.

Puerto Vallarta Real Estate Market Update

So, what’s happening in the Puerto Vallarta real estate market? Are prices plummeting? is there a sell off panic?
In a word: No.
Let’s put that in perspective. Vallarta’s real estate market has been affected just as virtually every other market in the world has been affected. That last year has been tough for the real estate industry in Vallarta and there are more than a few real estate agencies that were here last year that are not here today. Prices for a property in Puerto Vallarta have dropped, in real terms, about 20%.

A little more perspective. Miami’s vacation condos of the type we commonly see here in Nuevo Vallarta, Flamingos and other parts of Puerto Vallarta lost roughly 50% of their value… here in Vallarta, the correction was less than half that. The reason? In Puerto Vallarta most homes are owned outright, most people bought in with cash. Mortgages have only been available here for the last five years or so. This means there is a huge amount of equity here, people who own their homes don’t need to sell to avoid foreclosure (foreclosures in Vallarta are rare), in most cases they are positioned to wait out the downturn and sell when the market recovers.
Ocean Vista is a quality Ocean Front Condominum in Nuevo Vallarta

Ocean Vista is a quality Ocean Front Condominum in Nuevo Vallarta – Seller Motivated!

All this equity adds stability to the market. Even in the quiet market of the last 18 months, prices have held relatively steady and Vallarta will emerge a strong, solid investment… as it always has been.

For those looking for a safe place to invest in times of uncertainty, Vallarta is a unique opportunity. Prices are at a 3 to 4 year low, but that may soon change. With the season upon us, sales are beginning to move again, and the Puerto Vallarta real estate market is reactivating after lying dormant for more than a year. Properties are starting to sell and industry colleagues are optimistic that we have passed the bottom and the market is now on it’s way to recovery. I say recovery conservatively as we are no where near the market we had even 2 years ago, but the needle is pointed up again and we are moving in the right direction. Right now is the time to find deals and get in at prices that have not been seen in 3-4 years. Right now, sellers are willing to negotiate more than they were last year, right now developers are feeling the pinch and are open to offers that were not even considered 18 months ago (be careful which developers though, some are feeling more pinched than others).

Discover The New Haven In Puerto Vallarta

Wellness is a two fold objective that has to be achieved by mental and physical relaxation. Mental and physical fitness is necessary and interdependent. One can feel physically relaxed but stress and depression can cause fatigue. A new trend and a new lifestyle evolved lately with this discovery. Yoga may be the solution to physical and spiritual relaxation. This new trend has seized many places including Puerto Vallarta. Zen and a variety of other meditation organizations are becoming more and more popular lately. With the busy lives most of us are spending, we advise that meditation should become a daily activity to remain healthy. You can visit Taheima which is located in Nuevo Vallarta. It is a project of Latin America, and the first Wellness Condo. Coaching programs and center models have been devised for the members of this club.

Beta Sigma Phi’s “One Great Photo Contest” is now open for everyone. Many tourists and even residents keeps searching for the right T- shirt that features the beauty of Bucerias and other beautiful places in Puerto Vallarta. You have a chance to make classic T- shirts that people would be interested in buying. Earlier this year Beta Sigma Phi sold T- shirts at many events, which became very popular and there was a huge demand for it. The winning work will be displayed and kept for sale next season at Beta Sigma Phi’s booth at Bucerias Art Walk. Each person can submit only 3 pieces, preferable electronic submissions. The deadline for the contest is July 31st, 2009. The winner will receive a T- shirt. There is plenty of time to unleash the artistic abilities and prove your capabilities.

El Arrayan continues to be Puerto Vallarta’s favorite restaurant and has proved itself by achieving the AAA3 Diamond award. If you still haven’t visited Puerto Vallarta’s most popular restaurant El Arrayan, then its time for you to make a visit to this fun and friendly restaurant so that you may know what the hype is all about. The restaurant has become even more passionate about doing well as they are thrilled to receive this recognition.

Did you know about Las Alamandas? It is a luxury boutique hotel and of one the most private resorts in Mexico. This place offers the best romantic getaway on the Pacific Coast. It is located between Puerto Vallarta and Mazanillo. Guests here are treated with the highest standards of hospitality. The beachfront is exclusively for the guests and the hotel is situated over an area of 1,500 acres of tropical beach. This sanctuary has a total number of six villas and can accommodate 30 guests. The accommodations here are reserved for $1,800 per night. World’s elitist travelers and celebrities prefer staying at this secluded beach. Now the hotel has announced that this paradise will be open to residents of Puerto Vallarta as well, at a very low rate of $370 per night. This offer remains open till August, 2009. So plan your luxury getaway at a reasonable rate as soon as possible and contact the hotel for reservations.

For more information on rental properties in Puerto Vallarta, also abbreviated as PV, contact Puerto Vallarta Rentals at the following number: 612-424-5445.

New Puerto Vallarta Golf Course Opens

Golfing legend Jack Nicklaus opens his second Puerto Vallarta golf course, Punta Mita Bahia at the 4 Seasons Resort.
The opening ceremony took place earlier this month with Jack taking the first tee shot. This is Jack Nicklaus’ second course in Puerto Vallarta, the first being Punta Mita Pacifico, which opened in 1999 andwhich offers the only natural ocean island par-3 hole in the world. Both courses are part of the private Punta Mita Club de Golf, open only to residents and guests of the development and those staying at the Punta Mita 4 seasons.

“You would be hard-pressed to ask for a more beautiful backdrop for a golf course than Punta Mita,” remarked course designer Jack Nicklaus. “To be given spectacular oceanfront land as a canvas not once, but twice, here at Punta Mita is exciting for a designer and it reflects a commitment from ownership to provide a memorable golf experience. I’m confident people are going to enjoy the challenge and beauty of this golf course, as well as the incredible scenery.”

Puerto Vallarta Condo Rentals

Puerto Vallarta more Secure and Safer then ever

Safety and security of any city determines its reputation. A city with strong, friendly and committed police sends positive signal not only to the tourists and residents but also the investors who infuse capital into a city. Hence, it can be safely said that a city’s economic prosperity depends on its ability to provide security to its citizens and business community.

In real estate world, a locality’s crime rate is a major factor in its evaluation. Puerto Vallarta Real Estate is not an exception. Any US, Canadian or European citizen looking to invest or live in Puerto Vallarta first needs to be assured if the choice of investing in Puerto Vallarta property is sound or not. Puerto Vallarta real estate has an enviable record for safety and security of its residents and their property. Many expats reckon that Puerto Vallarta is in fact safer then their native countries. Moreover, Puerto Vallarta is much friendlier.

Puerto Vallarta’s security is handled by its competent police force currently headed by its new Chief of police, Javier Lopez Ruelas. The new chief is committed not only to maintain the current atmosphere of peace and tranquility but also to improving the professionalism and training in the force.

To make the of municipal police force of Puerto Vallarta Properties much more professional, Lopez has embarked on a new policy in which anybody aspiring to be a police officer, traffic officer, fireman, lifeguard or a member of Civil protection force will have to face stricter requirements and pass all courses with an average of at least 80. Lopez stated “we can count on the professionalism of our forces and the use of technology to provide better service to prevent and combat crime.”

It’s important to note that Lopez during his earlier stint as Director of the Regional Academy had followed the guidelines of the campus, applying National Public Security Plan. This means that the first generation of firefighters, lifeguards and civil defence received training which ensures that Puerto Vallarta real estate security is of highest standards.

Puerto Vallarta will be the hosting Pan American Games in 2011.With an eye on this big event, the first generation of traffic police and bike police is been currently trained for two and half months as police on duty and another two and a half months as certified sports paramedics.

Bike police and sports paramedics will have the crucial responsibility of monitoring and protecting the sport venues. Till date, 10 graduates of the academy occupy positions as firefighters, 23 as traffic patrols, six as Civil Protection, 10 as lifeguards and 23 as bike police officers.

Additionally, 171 new policemen are now been trained in various aspects like English skills, computers, general knowledge, first and human rights. This is especially important because Puerto Vallarta has become more cosmopolitan with increase in tourism and expats buying Puerto Vallarta real estate.

Your beachfront condo in Puerto Vallarta is within your reach. Check out the listings of Puerto Vallarta Beachfront Condos, plan correctly to Finance Puerto Vallarta Condo Homes, and plan for a beautiful future today.

Bingo Gains In Puerto Vallarta

The Bingo for Beans and Babies which has recently begun at the enjoyable restaurant, Bite Me, is gaining popularity every day. The reason for its popularity is not only insurmountable fun for all the attendees but also the fact that it thrives solely for the genuine uplift of the society. It has become one of those helpful forces that persuade people to think of the societal pressures that the unprivileged feel. A noble cause like this ignites the feelings of generosity among people, which, they want to shower on those who are needy.

The Bite Me Beach Club is continuing its activities and only last week more than 50 contenders participated and enjoyed the raffle. Folks, it gives me great pleasure to say that a total sum of $8,830 pesos was collectively raised in order for Pasitos de Luz. This is not all my dear readers, considerable donations were also allotted to the on-going chain of Puerto Vallarta’s food drive.

Last week, Chef Seth Cloutman, made a surprise visit and was the guest caller for the night. He further brightened things up at the Beach Club and urged people to have fun and to make some noise. He even added fuel to fire by providing a great special dinner to that lucky Bingo winner who happened to be the loudest and also the craziest. And that honorable winner was, Cheryl Sellers. There were also other winners of the last week’s Bingo. The winner of the first game was Tracy Lee Gehue, the prize of the second game went to Diana Karen Rivera Ochoa, the third game was won by Diane Tinsley, the fourth game was won by Diana Karen Rivera Ochoa, Tracy Lee Gehue & Dennis Smith and similarly there were many prizes that people won. If I start naming all, it would take a very long time.

Pam Thompson also won the 50/50 prize of about $1,430 pesos this week. Marcel Lebrun won a door prize, a yoga mat, also a 10% off on yoga lessons which will be given at Yoga Vallarta. Wait, wait, that was not all, he was also given a Nature Original Art plate from Bahía de Bravo. Isn’t that awesome?

The weekly give a way free pass to the Mad Hatter Party went to Nina Goodhope Mad Hatter is another activity which will be beginning at Bite Me Beach Club. It could be any kind of hat, a bowler hat or a cap or even a wedding veil, the crunch is that it needs to be a wild and crazy hat. The wildest hat will win a terrific prize. So start planning your hat! This activity will take place on the seaside lounge on Thursday from the 1st of October at 7 p.m. The tickets for this will be available at PVRPV or even at Bite Me Beach Club.

There are so many activities taking place in Puerto Vallarta that at times it gets difficult to keep an eye out for them. So remember to contribute and donate for the Bingo For Beans. Keep a watchful eye and don’t miss out on the fun!

Puerto Vallarta Rentals