Puerto Vallarta is well represented at Europe’s most important travel expo. A deer spotted in El Cerro is captured and relocated. SEAPAL announces a temporary street closure in El Centro. Brrr! It’s still cold! Was the banda music loud? Ugly? Both? Another foreigner makes waves. PLUS: A mini dive into Mexico’s most popular musical and how to enjoy it in town. Sorta. LIVE at 10:30 am!
?????Welcome to Coffee & Headlines! Paco Ojeda produces this community-sponsored project for Puerto Vallarta’s English-speaking locals.
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??Coffee & Headlines is made possible by our viewers and by the following Community Partners:
Best Cord Cutting TV • https://bestcordcuttingtv.com/
Bravos Restaurant Bar • https://bravospv.com/
El Rey Lounge de Versalles • https://www.facebook.com/elreyloungepv
Joint Coworking Hotel • http://www.jointpv.com/
Puerto Vallarta Neurofeedback • https://www.vallartaneurofeedback.com/
Puerto Vallarta Owner’s Reps – https://puertovallartaownersreps.com/
Oculto | PRIVATE DINING | CATERING • https://ocultopuertovallarta.com/
Siam PV • https://siampv.com/
From today’s broadcast:
Puerto Vallarta attends Madrid’s tourism fair, FITUR. https://tribunadelabahia.com.mx/puerto-vallarta-inicio-con-fuerza-en_fitur/
SEAPAL announces a temporary street closure in El Centro. https://www.noticiaspv.com.mx/seapal-vallarta-anuncia-cierre-en-la-calle-morelos-del-23-al-25-de-enero/#google_vignette
A young deer was captured in El Cerro. https://www.noticiaspv.com.mx/capturan-un-venado-que-andaba-en-calles-de-la-colonia-el-cerro/
A new smartphone cab is announced for Yellow Cabs in Puerto Vallarta. https://banderasnews.com/puerto-vallarta-taxis-embrace-technology-with-new-mobile-app/
The current cold front will continue at least until Sunday. https://www.notisistema.com/noticias/onda-fria-deja-temperaturas-de-hasta-2-grados-en-jalisco-seguira-hasta-el-domingo/
Another foreigner goes viral opening the debate about loud banda music, in Mazatlán. https://www.informador.mx/mexico/Extranjero-se-tapa-los-oidos-al-escuchar-musica-de-banda-en-Mazatlan-20250122-0135.html
Attend Luis Villanueva’s Love Lock Down today at Nacho Daddy. https://www.facebook.com/events/1689821481826179/1689821488492845/
The Ceviche and Aguachile Festival celebrates its 10th anniversary this Sunday. https://www.facebook.com/events/456773037486622/
Hecho a Mano announces another pop-up art show, this Sunday. https://www.facebook.com/events/648452607517222/
Gouda Gabor hosts special guests Nicolas King and Amy Armstrong this Monday at Nacho Daddy. https://www.facebook.com/events/615581770861331/615581774194664/
Sharon Gerber, our local air fryer queen, has new cooking classes coming up in early February. https://www.facebook.com/events/1023070449851498/1024423653049511/
Local entertainer Sargento Dan is starring in his one-man show based on the successful Mexican jukebox musical, Mentiras. https://www.facebook.com/events/609645228147389/609645231480722/
Sargento Dan is partnering with Gouda Gabor for a show featuring live music from the iconic TV series, Glee. https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10162952599871303&id=716411302&mibextid=wwXIfr&rdid=1WFqXssP1o1h4wNV#
REMINDER: Puerto Vallarta Neurofeedback will be offering free sessions this afternoon at the Joint Boutique Hotel for those intending to attend my music appreciation presentation—thank you, Stan! ??! Sign up here: https://www.vallartaneurofeedback.com/
COVER SHOT: Talpa de Allende artisans spread warm guava paste over long wooden planks. Once it cools down, prior to turning it into delicious guava paste rolls.
If you are a local event producer, organizing a fundraiser, offering a weekly special at your restaurant, or performing at a local venue, we’d love to feature you live. It’s FREE, but you must register. CLICK HERE TO RESERVE A SPOT: https://bit.ly/thespotlightpv
(* indicates the guest will be offering a giveaway during the interview)
Wednesday, January 29 (FULL)
Ashley Werter • Photographic services • https://www.nomadfamilyphotogroup.com/
Linda Vazquez* • Puerto Vallarta Chili Cookoff • https://pvchilicookoff.com/