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Video of the hidden beach in Puerto Vallarta. (Playa Escondida)

 This hidden beach near Puerto Vallarta in the Marieta Islands is not something that has been Photoshopped it is real. It seems to be the hot topic of discussion of the locals and of the frequent visitors of Puerto Vallarta. My Twitter friend Carlos Guzman @PVallartanews shot this video from the “Hidden Beach”

It is funny that I have never heard anyone talk about the Hidden Beach and everyone I ask about it has never heard of it. I first saw a photo of it a few weeks ago and now it is on several blogs even one from Japan. Take a look at the video below and there is a second one here:

Marieta Islands

Hidden Beach Marieta Islands Puerto Vallarta / Playa Escondida en Islas Marietas Puerto Vallarta

En español.
Este es un pequeño video que filme de mi visita a la hermosa "Playa Escondida" en las Islas Marietas Nayarit, frente a las costas de Puerto Vallarta, la unica forma de entrar a la playa es nadando por debajo de una cueva (pero no por debajo del agua) o escalando el crater desde arriba, es toda una aventura que vale la pena aventurarse realizar por la espectacular y belleza única de esta playa! imaginate una playa debajo de la tierra!! lo tienes que vivir!
La Playa Escondida es tambien conocida como: La Playa del Amor o La Playa del Crater.

para mas información acerca de Puerto Vallarta visita mi blog aqui:

Para información oficial de Puerto Vallarta visita el sitio web aqui:

In English:
This is a short video i filmed my self of the amazing Hidden Beach on the Marieta Islands in Puerto Vallarta, the only way to come into the beach is swimming under a small cave but always over the water, or climbing, the Hidden Beach is also known as: The beach of Love and The Crater Beach
Visit my blog for more local information about Puerto Vallarta!

Also visit the official web site of Puerto Vallarta: